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Zapiekanka ( plural Zapiekanki ) is the name of a Polish snack that is comparable to the French croque sandwich .

The zapiekanka was created in the 1970s as a fast food offer for the working population. Since it is quite original and not expensive, it has long held its own in the snack market.

Zapiekanki consist of a stick of white bread , halved lengthways , which is refined with mushrooms , chopped onion pieces and a mixture of herbs and spices. Depending on the region, chopped fresh peppers or meat, usually ham, are also added. Then the white bread is baked with spicy cheese . Before it is served to the customer, an elongated thin strip of ketchup is placed on the baguette. There are also Zapiekanka variants, including pineapple ( Zapiekanka hawajska ; "Hawaii-Zapiekanka") or with feta and olives ( Zapiekanka grecka ; "Greek Zapiekanka"), but also with tomato sauce instead of ketchup.

As zapiekanka in were Polish originally baked casseroles such as the potato called.

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Commons : Zapiekanka  - collection of images, videos and audio files