Zara Mahamat Yacoub

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Zara Mahamat Yacoub (born before 1994) is a Chadian filmmaker, director and journalist.


Yacoub first studied humanities at the University of Chad . She then studied communication science, specializing in audiovisual media, at the Institut national de la Communication audiovisuelle in Bry-sur-Marne (France).

Back in Chad, Yacoub initially worked as a radio presenter and journalist. After founding the first Chadian television station, Télé Tchad , switched to it and initially worked as a program manager. Later, Yacoub - the only woman in the entire station - rose to head the station. She also worked as a journalist for the South African broadcaster Channel Africa TV .

For several years, Yacoub has headed the Association of Private Radio Stations of Chad (Union des Radios Privées du Tchad, URPT), and she is also the head of the private radio station Dja FM .

In addition to her career in Chadian television, Yacoub also produced several short films, mostly documentary, with her own production company Sud Cap Production. Both in her films and aside from the film, Yacoub campaigns for more human rights, especially for equal rights for women in Chad, and has therefore repeatedly suffered from repression. In her short film “Dilemme au féminin” she criticized the genital cutting of young women ; the film sparked strong protests in the country and a fatwa was pronounced against Yacoub .


  • 1994: Dilemme au feminin
  • 1995: Les Enfants de la rue
  • 1996: La Jeunesse et l'emploi
  • 1996: Les Enfants de la guerre
  • 1999: Enfance confisquée
  • 2002: Marad Al Ma Inda Daw

Individual evidence

  1. a b Beti Ellerson: Zara Mahamat Yacoub. 2000, accessed on October 26, 2016 .
  2. ^ Tchad: Zara Mahamat Yacoub reçue par le chef du gouvernement. In: Alwihda Info. April 12, 2014, accessed October 26, 2016 (French).
  3. Luidor Nono: Mme Zara Mahamat Yacoub, femme de médias au Tchad. (No longer available online.) In: Journal du Tchad. April 5, 2012, archived from the original on October 27, 2016 ; Retrieved October 26, 2016 (French). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Edouard Takadj: Tchad: Le 5ème congrès de l'URPT s'est ouvert à N'Djaména. (No longer available online.) In: Journal du Tchad. October 28, 2011, archived from the original on October 27, 2016 ; Retrieved October 26, 2016 (French). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. Tchad: Zara Mahamat Yacoub, arrêtée puis relâchée, la population de Ndjaména reste mobilisée. In: June 6, 2015, accessed October 26, 2016 (French).
  6. Derek Jones: Censorship: A World Encyclopedia . Routledge, 2001, ISBN 978-1-57958-135-0 , pp. 437 .
  7. THE WOMEN'S WATCH, Vol. 9, No. 3. International Women's Right Action Watch, January 1996, accessed October 26, 2016 .