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Zāriqum (Za-ri-iq) is the first inscribed head of the city administration ( Šakkanakkum ) of Assur ( d A-šur ki ). He lived under Amar-Suena in the early III period . He rebuilt the Ištar temple ( d Belat-ekallim ) and consecrated it for the life of his ruler Amar-Suena. The corresponding votive plate was found in Qalʿat-Šerġat . Zāriqum had the titles lù, lugal, ensi and GIR.NITA. In the year 4/5 of the Amar-Suena he also became governor ( ensi ) of Susa (Su-sím KI ), as did Ir-Nanna later . Hello, however, does not want to rule out a mistake by a writer. So it could have been two different individuals, especially since the name itself isn't all that rare. He is also mentioned in some contemporary business texts from Drehem .


Walter Andrae wants to identify an alabaster statue from the Ištar temple in Assur as a picture of Zariqum.


Individual evidence

  1. ↑ A. Poebel, The Assyrian King List from Khorsabad, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 1/3, 1942, 255
  2. ^ W. Andrae, Assyrian Resurrected, 79