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legal form Private
founding 2010
Seat London , UKUnited KingdomUnited Kingdom 
management David Meinertz
Number of employees 200
Branch health
Status: 2020

Zava (previously DrEd) is an online medical practice, headquartered in London , UK, that advises and treats patients only remotely. Patients from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Ireland and England can contact licensed doctors via Zava. With millions of patients, Zava is the leading provider of telemedical services in Germany and Europe. Zava treats over 30 indications from the fields of general medicine, internal medicine, men's health, women's health and travel medicine. Patients can contact the online doctor's practice 24 hours, 7 days a week via their encrypted patient account.


The online medical practice was founded in 2010 by Hamburg lawyers David Meinertz (CEO) and Amit Khutti in London (UK) under the name "DrEd" and opened in 2011. The company has been profitable since 2014. At the beginning of 2019, “DrEd” was renamed “Zava” in Germany. The online medical practice is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and is based on the requirements and recommendations of German scientific societies. According to its own information, Zava tries to make medical advice and services more easily available and uses the existing technical possibilities for this. The medical consultation takes place regardless of time and location via the Internet. An EU directive allows patients to choose their doctor anywhere in the EU. The patients from Germany, Austria and Switzerland are treated by German doctors. The consultation at Zava is usually done electronically, with the patient creating a patient account and filling out a medical questionnaire. The attending physician analyzes the information and, if medically necessary, issues a prescription. Zava sends the prescription to mail order pharmacies , which ship the medication to the patients.

According to its own information, Zava has carried out over four million treatments across Europe. In Germany, most treatments take place in Berlin, followed by Munich, Hamburg, Cologne and Düsseldorf.

As part of the ongoing liberalization of telemedicine , Zava in Germany is facing increasing competition from other online medical practices such as remote doctor or teleclinic. In 2019 the online doctor's practice opened a new location in Hamburg.

Since February 2020 it has been possible for the first time to send prescriptions to on-site pharmacies. From now on, patients "can also have the prescriptions from the online consultation hour sent digitally to one of around 5000 pharmacies in Germany" and either pick up the medication at the pharmacy or have it sent to their home.

In addition, the online doctor's practice 2020 brought out the Zava app, with which patients can speak directly to one of the Zava partner doctors via video or phone. Sick notes and prescriptions can also be sent via the app. Private insurance companies reimburse the online doctor visit.

In spring 2020, Zava presented its medical advisory board. Members are Franz Bartmann and Thomas Meinertz .


In the 2013 Johnson & Johnson Digital Health Masterclass Challenge, DrEd was awarded 2nd place. In addition, the online doctor's practice achieved the best possible result in a routine check by the independent “Care Quality Commission (CQC)” in 2017 and thus fully complies with the current regulations and recommendations for remote treatment.

Criticism and Political Development

The Stiftung Warentest criticized the online service in July 2012 after the German Medical Association had already warned at the start : To protect patients, doctors should “not only carry out individual medical treatment, in particular advice, from a distance”. According to the judgment of Stiftung Warentest, two infectious diseases were badly treated, "although the indicated symptoms only partially matched the clinical picture and without DrEd requesting the urine tests necessary for diagnosis." DrEd responded with an open letter and questioned the diligence of the anonymous testers.

In 2013, the Federal Ministry of Health dealt with the question of whether German pharmacists can refuse to dispense drugs on the prescription of a foreign doctor. Due to the applicable EU law, this is not so easy to answer. The federal government elected in autumn 2013 advised on a clarification “that direct doctor-patient contact must be a prerequisite for the initial prescription of drugs”, which was sharply criticized by DrEd. In May 2014, the Bavarian Minister of Health Melanie Huml called for clear rules for online prescriptions.

In October 2013, the Ordermed pharmacy association announced an agreement concluded shortly beforehand with DrEd for the morning- after pill , which should make it possible to obtain a prescription for the drug without having to visit a doctor. Ordermed cited the criticism from politicians and partner pharmacies as the reason. At that time, the lifting of the prescription requirement in Germany was already being discussed. The morning-after pill has been available in pharmacies without a prescription since 2015.

In 2016, the State Medical Association of Baden-Württemberg became the first federal state to change the professional code to allow only remote medical treatment within the framework of model projects. In April 2018, the State Medical Association of Schleswig-Holstein decided to lift the ban on remote treatment and was thus a pioneer for the nationwide amendment of the (model) professional code by the German Medical Association, which was adopted at the 121st Doctors' Day in May 2018. Since then, 13 other countries such as Hamburg and Berlin have changed their professional regulations.

At the end of May 2018, the online doctor's practice Zava was approved for a model project in Baden-Württemberg. According to the State Medical Association, "accompanying scientific evaluations [...] in each individual model project continuously check whether patients are offered the same quality and expertise as in the practice or hospital, even with exclusive remote medical treatment."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. | Webdoktor only deals with online
  2. DAZ Online | Online doctor's practice - Austria: "DrEd" creates a stir
  3. | German doctors are now treating Swiss people via the Internet
  4. BLOG - 7 choses a savoir si vous souhaitez consulter un médecin en ligne. August 6, 2018, accessed February 15, 2019 (French).
  5. DrEd Ireland | Your Online Doctor. Retrieved February 15, 2019 .
  6. ^ Arvind Hickman: Europe's 'largest' digital healthcare provider appoints UK agency. Retrieved February 15, 2019 .
  7. DER SPIEGEL 2019/7. Retrieved February 15, 2019 .
  8. Online medical practice DrEd expands telemedical services for women. Retrieved February 15, 2019 .
  9. DrEd: First prescription of the pill now online. Retrieved February 15, 2019 .
  10. a b Hamburger Abendblatt | Those who are ashamed would rather go to the online doctor ( Memento from February 25, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  11. ^ DrEd: Online medical practice Zava also wants to open in Germany - Retrieved February 15, 2019 .
  12. Paul Jonas Hildebrandt, Martin U. Müller : : consulting on the Web . In: Der Spiegel . August 23, 2016 ( [accessed February 1, 2019]).
  13. ^ Health Bridge Limited | Companies in the UK (English)
  14. ^ Augsburger Allgemeine: "": The online medical practice has opened. Retrieved March 18, 2019 .
  15. DocCheck | Online doctor portals: mouse click with side effects?
  16. Hamburger Abendblatt- Hamburg: Hamburgers are increasingly relying on the doctor from the Internet. February 6, 2019, accessed March 25, 2019 .
  17. New name: Doctor Ed renames himself. Retrieved March 25, 2019 .
  18. Exclusive remote medical treatment. Retrieved March 25, 2019 .
  19. Yahoo Nachrichten Online medical practice "DrEd opens / German doctors offer diagnoses and treatments via the Internet for the first time" ( Memento from March 5, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  20. Sebastian Balzter: Online practice: The hot line to the family doctor . ISSN  0174-4909 ( [accessed March 25, 2019]).
  21. DAZ Online | EU directive on patient mobility: DrEd is happy about legal security .
  22. DrEd: Online medical practice DrEd opened / German doctors are offering diagnoses and treatments over the Internet for the first time. Retrieved January 27, 2017 .
  23. Online practice: DrEd is moving to Germany. Retrieved March 25, 2019 .
  24. DrEd: Like on an assembly line - brand eins online. Retrieved January 27, 2017 .
  25. ^ Paul-Jonas Hildebrandt, Martin U. Müller :: Consultation room on the web . In: Der Spiegel . August 23, 2016 ( [accessed March 25, 2019]).
  26. Medical treatment from afar: Germany is missing out on a great opportunity . In: . ( [accessed on January 27, 2017]).
  27. Zava Online Doctor: Your diagnosis online - without waiting. Retrieved March 25, 2020 .
  28. Five years of online medical practice DrEd: almost one million telemedical treatments across Europe . In: . ( [accessed on January 27, 2017]).
  29. ^ Theresa Dräbing: DrEd: Recipes from London. In: Frankfurter Rundschau. May 8, 2018. Retrieved August 9, 2018 .
  30. Maike Telgheder: Digital Consultation: Online doctors are pushing with power to Germany. March 28, 2018, accessed August 9, 2018 .
  31. Telemedicines expect strong growth in 2020: Zava online medical practice expands team, technology and services. Retrieved March 25, 2020 .
  32. Online doctor's office: Zava cooperates with pharmacies in Germany. Retrieved July 17, 2020 .
  33. Benjamin Rohrer: Zava launches app and deletes questionnaires. May 25, 2020, accessed July 17, 2020 .
  34. Christoph Rybarczyk: Zava: "Number of doctor visits will be halved". May 25, 2020, accessed on July 17, 2020 (German).
  35. ^ The Zava team. Retrieved July 29, 2020 .
  36. Masterclass Challenge ( Memento from October 11, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) (English)
  37. ^ Care Quality Commission: Health Bridge Limited - Inspection report. Retrieved March 28, 2019 .
  38. ^ DrEd: Risky visit to the online doctor. Stiftung Warentest, July 18, 2012.
  39. ^ Opinion on the assessment by Stiftung Warentest., July 20, 2012.
  40. DrEd employs BMG. In: Pharmazeutische Zeitung , March 5, 2013.
  41. DrEd criticizes coalition plans. In: Deutsche Apothekerzeitung , November 21, 2013.
  42. Huml demands clear rules for online recipes. In: Deutsche Apothekerzeitung , May 6, 2014.
  43. ↑ The morning-after pill continues only after a doctor's visit. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , October 2, 2013.
  44. 'Morning after pill': Ordermed gives DrEd another pass. Retrieved March 28, 2019 .
  45. Nora Burgard-Arp: morning-after pill: "20 euros. Thank you. See you again" . In: The time . February 3, 2018, ISSN  0044-2070 ( [accessed on March 28, 2019]).
  46. ^ Deutscher Ärzteverlag GmbH, editorial office of Deutsches Ärzteblatt: Schleswig-Holstein Medical Association lifts the ban on remote treatment. April 19, 2018, accessed March 28, 2019 .
  47. ^ Deutscher Ärzteverlag GmbH, editorial office of Deutsches Ärzteblatt: Schleswig-Holstein Medical Association lifts the ban on remote treatment. April 19, 2018, accessed March 28, 2019 .
  48. ^ Deutscher Ärzteverlag GmbH, editorial office of Deutsches Ärzteblatt: Ban on exclusive remote treatment in Hamburg lifted. April 9, 2019, accessed April 25, 2019 .
  49. Change to the professional code since January 5, 2019. Retrieved March 28, 2019 .
  50. State Medical Association of Baden-Württemberg approves two further model projects. May 29, 2018. Retrieved March 28, 2019 .
  51. State Medical Association of Baden-Württemberg approves two further model projects. May 29, 2018. Retrieved March 28, 2019 .