Kiev Central Bus Station

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Coordinates: 50 ° 24 ′ 23.2 "  N , 30 ° 31 ′ 11.4"  E

Kiev Central Bus Station 2014
Bus station 2015

The Kiev Central Bus Station ( Ukrainian Київський центральний автовокзал Kyivskyj Zentralnyj avtowoksal ) is the main bus station for national and international long-distance bus services in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev .

The central bus station was built between 1957 and 1961 in order to be able to handle 600 buses per day on around 50 lines with around 7,000 passengers. In addition to the two-storey station building, there are a total of 11 covered stopping places equipped with electronic display boards on the area of ​​3450 m². You have m in length and 110 are bus companies in the line and charter flights are available.

The operator of the bus station is the Kiev municipal passenger transport company Kyivpastrans .

Location and connection

The bus station is conveniently located on Moscow Square ( Московській площі ) No. 3 in the town of Holosiyiv, southwest of central Kiev.

It is connected to the capital's local public transport via the Demijiwska ( Деміївська ) subway station on Metro Line 2, as well as trolleybus , omnibus and Marshrutka stops on Moscow Square.

Bus companies such as Ecolines travel from the Kiev bus station via Warsaw ( Warszawa Zachodnia bus station ) to the central bus station in Berlin .

Web links

Commons : Kiev Central Bus Station  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Günther Schäfer: Kiev: Tours through the metropolis on the Dnepr . In: City guide (=  Trescher series of trips ). 3. Edition. Trescher Verlag, 2011, ISBN 978-3-89794-181-6 , pp. 285 ([ limited preview in Google Book search]).
  2. Station description , accessed on June 19, 2014
  3. geo-Kiev AVTOVOKZAL , accessed on June 19, 2014
  4. ↑ Kyivpastrans website , accessed June 19, 2014