Zhonghua Laozihao

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Blackboard at the Tongrentang Traditional Chinese Medicine Pharmacy in Beijing

Zhonghua Laozihao ( 中华 老 字号 , Zhōnghuá Lǎozìhào , English China Time-honored Brand  - "(roughly) tried and tested brands of China") is a certificate awarded by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce to companies in China whose brands have a long tradition. It stands for products, processes or services with a strong Chinese cultural background and character that have been passed on over generations and are largely recognized by society. There are currently around a thousand brands of this type (see also the history section). The spectrum ranges from products from quasi globally operating listed companies to smaller family businesses.


China's Time-honored Brand (old certification board in the Dongxingshun- Baodu restaurant of the Zhang family (东兴 顺 爆 肚 张)) in Beijing's Xicheng district (still from the (former) Ministry of Internal Trade of the People's Republic of China)
Beijing Baodu dish from the Zhang family (the traditional Beijing specialty with the Chinese name bàodǔ is boiled sheep's stomach that is served with seasoning for dipping)

According to documents from the Ministry of Commerce from the time after the state was founded, there were more than ten thousand Laozihao across China, and by 1978 more than two thousand of the old Chinese companies were recognized by government agencies.

In 1991, the former Ministry of Internal Trade of the People's Republic of China awarded the rating to over one thousand six hundred companies based in mainland China. The Chinese Chamber of Commerce has been “ revitalizing the old project” since 2005 , with certification from a shortlist of around a thousand recognized Laozihao by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce since 2006 .

According to the 2006 Laozihao report , 63% of Laozihao are in the food industry and 11% in traditional Chinese medicine and pharmaceuticals.

Well-known Laozihao (selection)

Nationally known Chinese Laozihao are for example:

See also


  • Huang Taoming 黄 韬 明 (Ed.): Zhonghua laozihao中华 老 字号. Renmin huabao chubanshe. Beijing 2002
  • Kong Lengren 孔令 仁: Zhongguo laozihao中国 老 字号. 1998

Web links

  • blog.sina.com.cn (Beijing Laozihao list from 2006 and the two lists from 2010, with photos of the old and the new certification board)

References and footnotes

  1. news.xinhuanet.com: Lao Beijing ming xiaochi Chaogan Baodu Douzhi 老 北京 名 小吃 炒肝 爆 肚 豆汁 ( Memento from September 21, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  2. This Baodu specialty restaurant is no longer included in the newer list of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, but since 2010 that of the Feng family (Bàodǔ Féng 爆 肚 冯; cf. cnlao.cn ).
  3. blog.sina.com.cn: 老 字号 的 乱象 与 新生 ( Memento of July 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive ); see. the figures at mall.cnki.net: 中华 老 字号 生存 报告
  4. Chinese Zhōnghuá rénmín gònghéguó guónèi màoyì bù 中华人民共和国 国内 贸易部
  5. Chinese zhènxīng lǎozìhao gōngchéng 振兴 老 字号 工程
  6. Zhōngguó shāngyè liánhéhuì 中国 商业 联合会
  7. 2006 nian laozihao fazhan baogao 2006 年老 字号 发展 报告
  8. yǐnshíyè 饮食业 (i.e. food industry, retail and gastronomy, with food and luxury items)
  9. Quoted from ccas.com.cn: 老 字号: 拿什么 擦亮 “金字招牌” ( Memento from April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) (see figure with the remaining information on the percentage distribution)
  10. information on the traditional Laozihao (Chuántǒng lǎozìhào传统老字号) restaurants Hongbinlou鸿宾楼, Mǎxiángxìng马祥兴, Táotáojū陶陶居, Dōuyīchù都一处, Yingbinlou迎宾楼, Shécānguǎn蛇餐馆, Càigēnxiāng菜根香, Lǎozhèngxìng老正兴, Lǜbōláng绿波廊, Lǜliǔjū 绿柳 居, Zhīwèiguān 知 味 观, Kǎoròuwǎn 烤肉 宛, Kǎoròujì 烤肉 季, Pànxījiǔjiā 泮 溪 酒家, Lóuwàilóu 楼外楼, Sōnghélóu 楼外楼, Sōnghélóu 宴, Huììr , Tīnglíguǎn听鹂馆, Gongdelin功德林, Quanjude全聚德, Bianyifang便宜坊, Fǎngshànfànzhuāng仿膳饭庄, Fengzeyuan丰泽园, Donglaishun东来顺, Shànghǎi lǎofàndiàn上海老饭店provides chinaculture.org ( Memento of 23 September 2015, Internet Archive ) .
  11. Pinyin / chin. Tóngréntáng 同仁堂, Quánjùdé 全聚德, Dōngláishùn 东来顺, Ruìfúxiáng 瑞 蚨 祥, Húqìngyútáng 胡庆余 堂, Wúyùtài 吴裕泰, Wánglǎojí 王老 吉, Máotáijiǔ ì, H é, H ē, H荣宝斋 ē, H.
Zhonghua Laozihao (alternative names of the lemma)
China Time-honored Brand