Zhongshan Grottoes

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The Zhongshan Grottoes ( Chinese  鐘山 石窟  /  钟山 石窟 , Pinyin Zhōngshān shíkū , English Zhongshan Grottoes ) at the foot of Zhong Mountain in Zichang County in the north of the Chinese province of Shaanxi are a Buddhist cave temple from the time of the Northern Song Dynasty . Its main hall alone contains over ten thousand Buddhas of various sizes.

It consists of eighteen caves and is said to go back to the time of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420).

The Zhongshan Grottoes ( Zhongshan shiku ) have been on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China (3-51) since 1988 .

Web links


  1. http://www.china.org.cn/travel/gallery/2008-07/17/content_16027328.htm

Coordinates: 37 ° 10 ′ 24.1 ″  N , 109 ° 31 ′ 40.5 ″  E