Monuments of the People's Republic of China (Shaanxi)

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The following table provides an overview of all the monuments in Shaanxi Province ( Shaan abbreviation ) that are on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China :

Chinese name decision District / place Article (Notes) image
Yan'an geming yizhi 延安 革命 遗址 1-23 Yan'an (延安 市) Yan'an Revolutionary Site (1937-1947) Mao1938a.jpg
Baoye dao shimen jiqi Moya shike 褒 斜 道 石门 及其 摩崖 石刻 1-57 Hanzhong (汉中 市) Stone gate and rock inscriptions on Baoye Street , from the Han to Song period
Dayan ta 大 雁塔 1-63 Xi'an (西安市) Big wild goose pagoda Giant Wild Goose Pagoda.jpg
Xiaoyan ta 小雁塔 1-64 Xi'an (西安市) Small wild goose pagoda Xiao yan ta.jpg
Xingjiao si ta 兴 教 寺塔 1-67 Xi'an (西安市), Chang'an District (长安区) Dagoba of the Xingjiao Temple Pagoda of Xingjiao Temple.JPG
Xi'an chengqiang 西安 城墙 1-104 Xi'an (西安市) Xi'an Ming-era city ​​walls XiAn CityWall DiLou.jpg
Xi'an beilin西安 碑林 1-125 Xi'an (西安市) Xi'an Forest of Steles Beilin xian 2.jpg
Yaowangshan shike 药王山 石刻 1-128 Tongchuan (铜川 市), Yaozhou District (耀 州 区) Yaowang Shan stone carvings from the Sui to Ming times
Banpo yizhi 半坡 遗址 1-139 Xi'an (西安市), Baqiao District (灞桥 区) Banpo site Banpo Museus.JPG
Feng-Hao yizhi 丰镐 遗址 1-143 Xi'an (西安市) Feng Hao site
Epang gong yizhi 阿房宫 遗址 1-151 Xi'an (西安市) Epang Palace Epang Palace.jpg
Han Chang'an cheng yizhi 汉 长安 城 遗址 1-152 Xi'an (西安市) Site of the Hanse capital Chang'an Historic Site of Weiyang Palace 05 2013-09.JPG
Daming gong yizhi 大明宫 遗址 1-156 Xi'an (西安市) Site of the Daming Palace Reconstructed Danfeng Men.jpg
Huangdi ling 黄帝陵 1-162 Yan'an (延安 市), Huangling County (黄陵县) Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor A-Tomb of Emperor Huangdi in Shaanxi.jpg
Qin Shihuang ling 秦始皇 陵 1-164 Xi'an (西安市), Lintong District (临潼 区) Qin Shihuangdis mausoleum Terracotta army xian.jpg
Maoling 茂陵 1-165 Xianyang (咸阳 市), Xingping City (兴平 市) Maoling mausoleum of Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty 茂陵 博物馆 额 匾 .JPG
Huo Qubing must 霍去病 墓 1-166 Xianyang (咸阳 市), Xingping City Huo Qubing's tomb Maoling 10.jpg
Zhaoling 昭陵 1-170 Liquan district (礼泉县) Zhaoling Mausoleum of Taizong Emperor of the Tang Dynasty Zhao Mausoleum.JPG
Qianling 乾陵 1-171 Qian District (乾 县) Qianling Mausoleum of Emperor Gaozong and Empress Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty Qianling.jpg
Shun ling 顺 陵 1-172 Xianyang (咸阳 市) Shunling Mausoleum , the tomb of Wu Zetian's mother
Xi'an shibian jiuzhi 西安 事变 旧址 2-6 Xi'an (西安市) Site of the Xi'an Incident 五 間 廳內 會議 室 .JPG
Lantian yuanren yizhi 蓝田 猿人 遗址 2-47 Lantian County (蓝田县) Sites of Lantian people - the Gongwangling-site and Chenjiawo-site
Zhouyuan yizhi 周 原 遗址 2-50 Fufeng District (扶风 县) Zhouyuan site of the pre-Zhou and early Western Zhou periods 以 商代 甲骨文 图片 为 背景 的 西周 原 刻石 简 .JPG
Sima Qian mu he ci 司马迁 墓 和 祠 2-56 Hancheng (韩 城市) Tomb and ancestral temple of Sima Qian
Wayaobao geming jiuzhi 瓦窑堡 革命 旧址 3-35 Zichang district (子 长 县) Revolutionary site of Wayaobao from 1935/36
Balujun Xi'an banshichu jiuzhi 八路军 西安 办事处 旧址 3-36 Xi'an , (西安市) Former site of the 8th March Army Xi'an Office Xi'an Balujun Banshichu Jiuzhi 01/04/2014 09-44-59.jpg
Dafo si shiku 大 佛寺 石窟 3-49 District Bin (彬县) Dafosi grottoes
Zhongshan shiku 钟山 石窟 3-51 Zichang district (子 长 县) Zhongshan Grottoes
Zhaoren si dadian 昭仁 寺 大殿 3-109 Circle Changwu (长武县) Main hall of the Zhaoren temple
Xiyue Miao 西岳 庙 3-126 Huayin (华阴 市) Xiyue Miao Xi Yue Temple.JPG
Xi'an Qingzhensi 西安 清真寺 3-135 Xi'an (西安市) Xi'an Mosque Chinese-style minaret of the Great Mosque.jpg
Qin Yongcheng yizhi 秦 雍 城 遗址 3-204 Fengxiang County (凤翔县) Site of the Qin capital, Yongcheng
Qin Xianyang cheng yizhi 秦 咸阳 城 遗址 3-207 Xianyang (咸阳 市) Site of the capital Xianyang of Qin State
Huangbao zhen Yaozhou yao yizhi 黄 堡镇 耀州窑 遗址 3-226 Tongchuan (铜川 市), Wangyi District (王 益 区) Yaozhou ceramic kiln of Huangbao 耀州窑 青釉 刻花 牡丹 纹 梅 瓶 .JPG
Changling 长陵 3-233 Xianyang (咸阳 市), Weicheng District (渭城区) Changling Mausoleum of the Gaodi Emperor of the Western Han Dynasty Changling 1.jpg
Duling 杜陵 3-234 Xi'an (西安市) Duling Mausoleum of Emperor Xuan, Western Han Dynasty Duling 1.jpg
Qiaoling 桥 陵 3-243 Circle Pucheng (蒲城县) Qiaoling Mausoleum , Tang Dynasty 唐 睿宗 李 旦 桥 陵 .JPG
Jiangzhai yizhi 姜 寨 遗址 4-20 Xi'an (西安市), Lintong District (临潼 区) Jiangzhai site from the Neolithic Jiangzhai settlement model, Yangshao culture, Lintong, Shaanxi.jpg
Zheng Guo qu shou yizhi 郑国 渠首 遗址 4-31 Circle Jingyang (泾阳县) Zheng Guo Canal
Wei changcheng yizhi 魏 长城 遗址 4-32 Huayin (华阴 市) Great Wall from the days of the old state Wei from the Warring States Period
Ganquan gong yizhi 甘泉 宫 遗址 4-39 District Chunhua (淳化县) Site of the Ganquan Palace from the Han Dynasty
Tongwan cheng yizhi 统 万 城 遗址 4-43 Jingbian County (靖边 县) Tongwancheng site 统 万 城 .JPG
Sui Daxing Tang Chang'an cheng yizhi 隋大兴 唐长安 城 遗址 4-47 Xi'an (西安市) Daxing site of the Sui dynasty in the Tang capital Chang'an
Sui Renshou gong Tang Jiucheng gong yizhi 隋仁寿 宫 唐九成 宫 遗址 4-48 District Linyou (麟游县) Site of the Renshou Palace of the Sui Dynasty and the Jiucheng Palace of the Tang Dynasty
Baqiao yizhi 灞桥 遗址 4-49 Xi'an (西安市), Baqiao District (灞桥 区) Banpo settlement from the Western Han Dynasty Banpo.jpg
Huaqing gong yizhi 华 清宫 遗址 4-53 Xi'an (西安市) Site of the Huaqing Palace 华 清宫 .jpg
Wu hou mu 武侯 墓 4-68 Mian district (勉县) Wuhou tomb
Tailing 泰陵 4-69 Xianyang (咸阳 市), Yangling District (杨陵 区) Tailing Mausoleum of Sui Emperor Wen ( Yang Jian )
Yongling 永陵 4-70 Fuping district (富 平县) Yongling Mausoleum , Western Wei Dynasty
Xianyou si fawang ta 仙游 寺 法王 塔 4-80 Zhouzhi County (周至 县) Fawang Pagoda of the Xianyou Temple
Fuzhou cheng 府 州城 4-93 Fugu district (府谷 县) Ancient architecture of the Fuzhoucheng
Hancheng Dayu miao 韩城 大禹 庙 4-126 Hancheng (韩 城市) Hancheng Dayu Temple
Xi'an zhonglou, gulou 西安 钟楼 、 鼓楼 4-161 Xi'an (西安市) Xi'an Bell Tower and Drum Tower China xian bell tower 01.jpg
China xian drum tower 01.jpg
Shuilu to 水陆 庵 4-162 Lantian County (蓝田县) Shuilu Temple
Yanyijing jiuzhi 延 一 井 旧址 4-250 Yanchang County (延长 县) Former Yanyijing site, mainland China's first oil well
Tianshuigou yizhi 甜 水沟 遗址 5-110 Dali district (大荔 县) Tianshuigou site, site of the Dali man
Huashilang yizhi 花 石 浪 遗址 5-111 Luonan County (洛南 县) Huashilang site
Yuanjunmiao - Quanhucun yizhi 元君 庙 - 泉 护 村 遗址 5-112 Hua County (华县) neolithic sites of Yuanjunmiao and Quanhucun Owl's face.jpg
Kangjia yizhi 康 家 遗址 5-113 Xi'an (西安市), Lintong District (临潼 区) neolithic Kangjia site
Laoniupo yizhi 老牛 坡 遗址 5-114 Xi'an (西安市) Laoniupo site from the Shang Dynasty
Liyang cheng yizhi 栎 阳城 遗址 5-115 Xi'an (西安市), Yanliang District (阎良 区) Liyangcheng site from the Warring States Period
Jingshi cang yizhi 京师 仓 遗址 5-116 Huayin (华阴 市) Site of the capital memory
Liangzhou yizhi 良 周 遗址 5-117 Chengcheng County (澄城 县) Liangzhou site
Dong Wei qiao yizhi 东 渭 桥 遗址 5-118 Gaoling district (高陵县) Site of the Tang Age Eastern Bridges over the Wei River, the Dong Wei Bridges
Yuhua gong yizhi 玉华宫 遗址 5-119 Tongchuan (铜川 市) Site of the Yuhua Palace
Xi Han di ling 西汉 帝陵 5-183 Xianyang (咸阳 市) Imperial mausoleums of the Western Han Dynasty
Tangdai diling 唐代 帝陵 5-184 Circuit Fuping (富平县) circuit Pucheng (蒲城县) circuit Sanyuan (三原县) circuit Jingyang (泾阳县) circuit Liquan (礼泉县) circuit Qian (乾县) Emperor tombs of the Tang Dynasty
Sanyuan chenghuang miao 三原 城隍庙 5-413 Sanyuan County (三原 县) City God Temple of Sanyuan
Jiumoluoshi shelita 鸠摩罗什 舍利 塔 5-414 Circle Hu (户县) Sarira - Stupa of Kumārajīva Kumārajīva sheli.JPG
Gongshu tang 公 输 堂 5-415 Circle Hu (户县) Gongshu Hall
Cang Jie mu yu miao 仓 颉 墓 与 庙 5-416 Circle Baishui (白水县) Tomb and Temple of Cang Jie 仓 颉 墓 门口 .jpg
Taita 泰塔 5-417 Kreis Xunyi (旬邑县) Tai Pagoda
Xiangji si shandao ta 香 积 寺 善 导 塔 5-418 Xi'an (西安市), Chang'an District (长安区) Shandao Pagoda of the Xiangji Temple
Xi'an chenghuang miao 西安 城隍庙 5-419 Xi'an (西安市), Lianhu District City God Temple of Xi'an The Temple of the Town Deity in Xi'an 13 2013-09.jpg
Baiyunshan miao 白云 山 庙 5-420 Jia County (佳县) Baiyunshan Temple 佳县 白云 山 庙 超然 亭 .jpg
Bayun ta 八 云 塔 5-421 Zhouzhi County (周至 县) Bayun Pagoda
Jingyang Chongwen ta 泾阳 崇文 塔 5-422 Jingyang (泾阳县) Jingyang Chongwen Pagoda
Am xian Kaiyuan sita 彬县 开元 寺塔 5-423 District Bin (彬县) Kaiyuan Pagoda in Bin County
Hancheng Puzhao si 韩城 普照寺 5-424 Hancheng (韩 城市) Hancheng Puzhao Temple
Hancheng wenmiao 韩城 文庙 5-425 Hancheng (韩 城市) Confucian Temple of Hancheng 韩城 文庙 .JPG
Hancheng chenghuang miao 韩城 城隍庙 5-426 Hancheng (韩 城市) City god temple of Hancheng
Dangjiacun gu jianzhuqun 党 家村 古 建筑 群 5-427 Hancheng (韩 城市) Old architecture of Dangjiacun Dangjiacun.JPG
Yao xian wenmiao 耀县 文庙 5-428 Tongchuan (铜川 市), Yaozhou District (耀 州 区) Confucian Temple in Yao County
Chengcheng chenghuang miao shenlou 澄城 城隍庙 神 楼 5-429 Chengcheng County (澄城 县) Chengcheng City God Temple
Changcheng - Zhenbeitai 长城 - 镇北 台 5-442 (9) Yulin (榆林 市) Zhenbeitai - watchtower of the Great Wall dating back to the Ming Dynasty
Chongyang Gong Zu'an Beilin 重阳宫 祖 庵 碑林 5-466 Circle Hu (户县) Zu'an Forest of Chongyang Temple
Cishansi shiku 慈善 寺 石窟 5-467 District Linyou (麟游县) Cishansi grottoes
Luochuan huiyi jiuzhi 洛川 会议 旧址 5-509 Luochuan County (洛川 县) Site of the Luochuan Conference
Yangjiagou geming jiuzhi 杨 家沟 革命 旧址 5-510 Mizhi County (米脂 县) Yangjiagou Revolutionary Site (1937–1948)
Longgangsi yizhi 龙岗 寺 遗址 6-189 Nanzheng County (南郑 县) Longgangsi site from the Neolithic
Shimao yizhi 石 峁 遗址 6-190 District Shenmu (神木县) Shimao site
Shiluoluo shan yizhi 石 摞 摞 山 遗址 6-191 Jia County (佳县) Shiluoluoshan site
Lijiacun yizhi 李家村 遗址 6-192 District Xixiang (西乡县) Lijiacun site from the Neolithic
Beishouling yizhi 北 首 岭 遗址 6-193 Baoji (宝鸡 市), Jintai District (金 台 区) Beishouling site National Museum of China 02/01/2014 15-10-05.jpg
Donglongshan yizhi 东 龙山 遗址 6-194 Shangluo (商洛 市) Donglongshan from the Xia Dynasty
Hengzhen yizhi 横 阵 遗址 6-195 Huayin (华阴 市) Hengzhen site
Fenghuang Shan yizhi 凤凰 山 遗址 6-196 District Qishan (岐山县) Fenghuangshan site
Lijiaya Chengzhi 李家 崖城 址 6-197 Qingjian County (清涧 县) Site of the city of Lijiaya
Liangdaicun yizhi 梁 带 村 遗址 6-198 Hancheng (韩 城市) Liangdaicun site from the Zhou dynasty 隥 簋 .jpg
Yangjiacun yizhi 杨家 村 遗址 6-199 District Mei (眉县) Yangjiacun site Lai Pan.JPG
Famen Si yizhi 法门寺 遗址 6-200 Fufeng District (扶风 县) Site of the Famen Monastery Famensi.jpg
Linzhou gucheng 麟 州 故城 6-201 District Shenmu (神木县) Site of the ancient city of Linzhou
Qin dongling 秦东陵 6-284 Xi'an (西安市) Dongling tombs from the Qin Dynasty
Zhang Qian must 张 骞 墓 6-285 Chenggu County (城固 县) Grave of Zhang Qian ZhangQianTravels.jpg
Ming Qin wang mu 明 秦王 墓 6-286 Xi'an (西安市) Qin rulers' tombs from the Ming Dynasty
Cai Lun mu he ci 蔡伦 墓 和 祠 6-287 Circle Yang (洋县) Tomb and ancestral temple of Cai Lun
Jingjing sita 精进 寺塔 6-769 Chengcheng County (澄城 县) Jingjing Temple Pagoda
Chang'an Shengshou sita 长 安圣寿 寺塔 6-770 Xi'an (西安市), Chang'an District (长安区) Shengshou Temple Pagoda in Chang'an, Sui Dynasty
Chang'an Huayan sita 长安 华严寺 塔 6-771 Xi'an (西安市), Chang'an District (长安区) Pagoda of the Huayan Temple in Chang'an 华严寺 双塔 .JPG
Bailiang Shousheng sita 百 良 寿 圣 寺塔 6-772 Circle Heyang (合阳县) Bailiang Shousheng Temple Pagoda
Zhaohui ta 昭 慧 塔 6-773 Gaoling district (高陵县) Zhaohui Pagoda 高陵 塔 .png
Kaiming sita 开明 寺塔 6-774 Circle Yang (洋县) Kaiming Temple Pagoda Town of Yangxian, Kaiming Temple and a Thirteen-Story Pagoda Built in 713. Shaanxi Province, China, 1875 WDL2097.png
Daqin sita大秦 寺塔 6-775 Zhouzhi County (周至 县) Daqin Monastery Pagoda Da Qin Pagoda.jpg
Taiping sita 太平 寺塔 6-776 District Qishan (岐山县) Taiping Temple Pagoda
Wuling sita 武陵 寺塔 6-777 Yongshou County (永寿县) Wuling Temple Pagoda
Shende sita 神 德 寺塔 6-778 Tongchuan (铜川 市) Sheng Temple Pagoda
Fawang miao 法 王庙 6-779 Hancheng (韩 城市) Fawang Temple
Beiying miao 北 营 庙 6-780 Hancheng (韩 城市) Beiying Temple Beiying Temple 02 2013-09.jpg
Wumenyan 五 门 堰 6-781 Chenggu County (城固 县) Wumenyan Weir
Wubu Shicheng 吴堡 石城 6-782 Circle Wubu (吴堡县) Wubu stone city
Zhougong Miao 周公庙 6-783 District Qishan (岐山县) Duke of Zhou Temple
Yulin Weicheng 榆林 卫 城 6-784 Yulin (榆林 市) Yulin city defenses from the Ming Dynasty 榆林 古城 .JPG
Zhang Liang Miao 张良 庙 6-785 Liuba County (留坝县) Zhang Liang Temple
Fufeng Chenghuang miao 扶风 城隍庙 6-786 Fufeng (扶风 县) City God Temple of Fufeng
Yuhuang Houtu miao 玉皇 后土 庙 6-787 Hancheng (韩 城市) Jade Emperor Earth God Temple
Xuanwu miao Qingshi dian 玄武 庙 青石 殿 6-788 Circle Heyang (合阳县) Qingshi Hall of Xuanwu Temple
Qing'an sita 庆安 寺塔 6-789 Weinan (渭南 市) Qing'an Temple Pagoda
Xianyang wenmiao 咸阳 文庙 6-790 Xianyang (咸阳 市) Xianyang Confucian Temple Xianyang Confucian Temple 01 2012-09.JPG
Panlongshan gu jianzhuqun 盘 龙山 古 建筑 群 6-791 Mizhi County (米脂 县) Panlongshan old architecture
Jiangshi zhuangyuan 姜氏 庄园 6-792 Mizhi County (米脂 县) Jiang family residence
Fengtu yicang 丰 图 义 仓 6-793 Dali district (大荔 县) Granary of Fengtu
Lingyan si moya 灵岩寺 摩崖 6-864 Lüeyang district (略阳县) Stone inscriptions from the Lingyan Temple
Shihong si shiku 石 泓 寺 石窟 6-865 Circle Fu (富县) Shihongsi grottoes
Yang Xun at 杨 珣 碑 6-866 Fufeng District (扶风 县) Yang Xun plaque
Wan'an chanyuan shiku 万 安 禅院 石窟 6-867 District Huang Ling (黄陵县) Wan'an Temple cave dating back to the Song Dynasty
Yisushe juchang 易 俗 社 剧场 6-1066 Xi'an (西安市), Xincheng District (新 城区) Yisushe Theater Xi'an Yisushe Juchang 01/04/2014 10-15-51.jpg
Wei-Hua qiyi jiuzhi 渭 华 起义 旧址 6-1067 Hua County (华县) Site of the Wei Hua Uprising of 1928
Wuqi geming jiuzhi 吴旗 革命 旧址 6-1068 Wuqi County (吴起 县) Wuqi Revolutionary Site
Bao'an geming jiuzhi 保安 革命 旧址 6-1069 Zhidan County (志丹 县) Bao'an Revolutionary Site
Luonan pendi jiu shiqi didian qun 洛南 盆地 旧石器 地点 群 7-0423 Luonan County (洛南 县) Paleolithic site of the Luonan Basin
Longwangchan yizhi 龙王 辿 遗址 7-0424 District Yichuan (宜川县) Paleolithic Longwangchan site
Yang jia fenshan yizhi 杨 家坟 山 遗址 7-0425 Huanglong County (黄龙县), Caodian Township (曹 店乡) Yang Jia Fenshan site from the Paleolithic
Hejiawan yizhi 何 家湾 遗址 7-0426 District Xixiang (西乡县) Neolithic Hejiawan site
Yangguanzhai yizhi 杨 官寨 遗址 7-0427 Gaoling County (高陵县), Jijia Township (姬 家乡) Yangguanzhai site from the Neolithic
Yuhuazhai yizhi 鱼 化 寨 遗址 7-0428 Xi'an (西安市), Yanta District (雁塔 区) Yuhuazhai site from the Neolithic
Nansha yizhi 南沙 遗址 7-0429 Hua County (华县) Nansha site from the Neolithic and the Shang Dynasty
Nianzipo yizhi 碾子 坡 遗址 7-0430 Circle Changwu (长武县), community Randian (冉店乡) Nianzipo site from the Neolithic and the Western Zhou Dynasty
Zijing yizhi 紫荆 遗址 7-0431 Shangluo (商洛 市) Zijing site from the Neolithic and the Western Zhou Dynasty
Shuigou yizhi 水沟 遗址 7-0432 Fengxiang County (凤翔县) Shuigou site from the Neolithic and Warring States Period
Baoshan yizhi 宝山 遗址 7-0433 Chenggu County (城固 县), Baoshan Town (宝山 镇) Baoshan ruins from the Neolithic and the Shang Dynasty
Yijiabao yizhi 益 家堡 遗址 7-0434 Fufeng District (扶风 县) Yijiabao ruins from Neolithic and Shang Dynasty times
Gu tai guo yizhi 古 邰 国 遗址 7-0435 Fufeng District (扶风 县) Site of the ancient Tai state from the Neolithic, Shang and Zhou dynasties
Qiaozhen yizhi 桥镇 遗址 7-0436 Baoji (宝鸡 市), Chencang District (陈仓 区) Neolithic and Zhou Dynasty Qiaozhen site
Xiyu yizhi 西 峪 遗址 7-0437 Zhouzhi County (周至 县), Zhuyu Township (竹 峪乡) Xiyu site from the Neolithic, Qin and Han Dynasties
Xiahexi yizhi 下 河西 遗址 7-0438 Circle Baishui (白水县) Xiahexi site from Neolithic and Han Dynasty times
Zhengjiapo yizhi 郑 家 坡 遗址 7-0439 District Wugong (武功县), greater community Wugong (武功镇) Zhengjiapo site from the Shang Dynasty
Zhaojiatai yizhi 赵家 台 遗址 7-0440 District Qishan (岐山县) Zhaojiatai site from the Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties
Ru jia zhuang yizhi 茹 家庄 遗址 7-0441 Baoji (宝鸡 市) Zhou period ruins of Ru village
Shi'er liancheng fenghuo tai yizhi 十二 连城 烽火台 遗址 7-0442 Tongguan County (潼关 县) Site of the twelve city watchtowers from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty
Zheng yi cao cang 徵 邑 漕 仓 遗址 7-0443 Circle Pucheng (蒲城县) Zhengyicaocan , ruins from the time of the Western Han Dynasty
Liujiaying yizhi 刘家 营 遗址 7-0444 Ankang (安康 市) Liujiaying site from the Warring States Period and the Qin and Han Dynasties
Qin zhizao qidian yizhi 秦 直 造 起点 遗址 7-0445 District Chunhua (淳化县) The starting point of the Qin Street , from the Qin Dynasty
Qin zhidao yizhi yan'an duan 秦 直道 遗址 延安 段 7-0446 Circles Huangling (黄陵县), Fu (富县), Ganquan (甘泉 县), Zhidan (志丹 县) Section of the Graden Qin Street in Yan'an, dating from the Qin Dynasty
Duiyu gong yizhi 祋 祤 宫 遗址 7-0447 Tongchuan (铜川 市), Yaozhou District (耀 州 区) Site of the Duiyu Palace from the Qin and Western Han Dynasties
Chengshan gong yizhi 成 山 宫 遗址 7-0448 District Mei (眉县) Ruins of the Chengshan Palace from the Qin and Han Dynasties
Shahe gu qiao yizhi 沙河 古桥 遗址 7-0449 Xianyang (咸阳 市), Qindu District (秦都 区) Shahe Bridge ruins from the Qin and Han dynasties
Yinzhou gu cheng 银 州 故城 7-0450 District Hengshan (横山县) Ruins of the ancient city of Yinzhou from the Qin , Han and Tang dynasties
Jianzhang gong yizhi 建 章 宫 遗址 7-0451 Xi'an (西安市) Ruins of the Jianzhang Palace from the Western Han Dynasty
Huanqiu yizhi 圜丘 遗址 7-0452 Xi'an (西安市), Yanta District (雁塔 区) Huanqiu-site dating back to the Tang Dynasty Circular Mound Altar Ruins.JPG
Tongguan gucheng 潼关 故城 7-0453 Tongguan County (潼关 县) Old town of Tongguan from the time of the Tang and Ming dynasties
Yaotou yao yizhi 尧 头 窑 遗址 7-0454 Chengcheng County (澄城 县) Yaotou kiln
Tiebiancheng yizhi 铁 边城 遗址 7-0455 Wuqi County (吴起 县) Ruins of Tiebiancheng from the time of the Northern Song Dynasty
Anren ciyao yizhi 安仁 瓷窑 遗址 7-0456 Kreis Xunyi (旬邑县), greater community Chengguan (城关镇), Village Anren (安仁村) Paleolithic site of the Anren porcelain kiln
Dailaicheng chengzhi 代 来 城城 址 7-0457 Yulin (榆林 市) Dailaicheng ruins from the Song , Ming , and Qing Dynasties
Dou huanghou ling 窦 皇后 陵 7-0665 Xi'an (西安市) Tomb of Empress Dou from the time of the Western Han Dynasty 窦 太后 墓 .png
Fengqiyuan xihan jiazu mudi 凤栖 原 西汉 家族 墓地 7-0666 Xi'an (西安市) Fenggiyuan family tomb from the Western Han Dynasty
Hanyunling 汉 云 陵 7-0667 District Chunhua (淳化县), community Tiewang (铁王乡) Hanyunling mausoleum from the Western Han Dynasty
Zoumaliang han muqun 走 马梁汉 墓群 7-0668 Yulin (榆林 市) Hanzeitliche grave complex Zoumaliang
Bao taihouling 薄 太后 陵 7-0669 Xi'an (西安市) Tomb of Empress Bao from the Han Dynasty
Yangqiao pan handai chengzhi yu mudi 杨桥 畔 汉代 城 址 与 墓地 7-0670 Jingbian County (靖边 县) Yangqiao pan handai - ruins and tombs from the Han Dynasty
Shangluo ya muqun 商洛 崖墓 群 7-0671 Shangluo (商 州市), Luonan District (洛南 县), Zhen'an (镇 安县), Zhashui (柞水县), Danfeng (丹凤 县), Shangnan (商 南县), Shanyang (山 阳县) Shangluo rock tombs from the Han and Qing dynasties
Yongyuanling 永 垣 陵 7-0672 Circle Baishui (白水县), greater community Lingao (林皋镇), Village Zhaoyaocun (赵尧村) Yongyuanling - tombs from the Jin Dynasty
Beizhouchengling 北 周成陵 7-0673 Fuping County (富 平县), Gongli Township (宫里 乡), Gongliqiao Village (宫里 桥村) Beizhouchengling - tombs from the time of the Southern and Northern Dynasties
Li zhongjun must 李 重 俊 墓 7-0674 Fuping County (富 平县), Gongli Township (宫里 乡), Nanling Village (南陵 村) Li Zhongjun's tomb from the Tang Dynasty
Tanghuiling 唐惠陵 7-0675 Chengcheng County (澄城 县) Tanghuiling - Tang Dynasty tombs
Xingningling 兴宁 陵 7-0676 Xianyang (咸阳 市), Zhengyang Town (正阳 乡), Houpai Village (后排 村) Tangzeitliche grave conditioning Xingningling
Yongkangling 永 康 陵 7-0677 Sanyuan County (三原 县) Tangzeitliche grave conditioning Yongkangling
Li maozhen mu 李茂贞 墓 7-0678 Baoji (宝鸡 市), Jintai District (金 台 区), Lingyuan Township (陵园 乡) Li Maozhen's tomb from the Five Dynasties and Ten Empires
Lantian lü shi jiazu mudi 蓝田 吕氏 家族 墓地 7-0679 Lantian County (蓝田县), Sanli Parish ( 三 里镇), Wulitou Village (五里 头村) Lantian Lu family tomb from the Northern Song Dynasty
Ningqiang qiang ren mudi 宁 强 羌人 墓地 7-0680 Circle Ningqiang (宁强县) Ningqiang Qiang Tomb from the Qing and Song Dynasties
Li shi jiazu mudi 李氏 家族 墓地 7-0681 Dali district (大荔 县) Qingzeitliche family tomb of Li Shi
Fayuan si ta 法源寺 塔 7-1411 Fuping County (富 平县), Meiyuan Town (美 原 镇) Fayuan pagoda dating back to the Tang Dynasty
Huiche sinan ta 慧 彻 寺 南塔 7-1412 Circle Pucheng (蒲城县) Pagoda of Huiche temple dating back to the Tang Dynasty
Jingguang si ta 净光 寺塔 7-1413 District Mei (眉县) Jingguang Pagoda dating back to the Tang Dynasty
Kaiyuan si ta 开元 寺塔 7-1414 Circle Fu (富县) Kaiyuan Pagoda dating back to the Tang Dynasty
Luoshan si ta 罗山 寺塔 7-1415 Circle Heyang (合阳县), greater community Hejiazhuang (和家庄镇) Luoshan pagoda dating back to the Tang Dynasty
Qingfan si ta 清 梵 寺塔 7-1416 Xingping (兴平 市) Qingfan pagoda dating back to the Tang Dynasty
Baoben si ta 报 本 寺塔 7-1417 District Wugong (武功县) Baoben Pagoda from the Song Dynasty
Baishan si ta 柏山 寺塔 7-1418 Circle Fu (富县) Baishan pagoda dating back to the Song Dynasty
Chongshou si ta 崇寿 寺塔 7-1419 Circle Pucheng (蒲城县) Chongshou Pagoda from the Song Dynasty
Zhongxing si ta 重 兴 寺塔 7-1420 Tongchuan (铜川 市), Yintai Ward (印台 区) Zhongxing pagoda dating back to the Song Dynasty
Daxiang si ta 大象 寺塔 7-1421 Circle Heyang (合阳县) Daxiang pagoda dating back to the Song Dynasty
Fuyan yuan ta 福 严 院 塔 7-1422 Fu district (富县), Daode municipality (道德 乡), Dong village (东村) Fuyan pagoda dating back to the Song Dynasty
Jingde ta 敬 德塔 7-1423 Circle Hu (户县) Jingde Pagoda from the Song Dynasty
Wanfeng ta 万 凤 塔 7-1424 Luochuan County (洛川 县), Tuji Township (土 基 镇), Fucheng Village (鄜 城 村) Wanfeng pagoda dating back to the Song Dynasty
Yanchang si ta 延昌 寺塔 7-1425 Tongchuan (铜川 市), Yaozhou District (耀 州 区) Yanchang pagoda dating back to the Song Dynasty
Hanzhong dong ta 汉 中东 塔 7-1426 Hanzhong (汉中 市) Eastern Pagoda of Hanzhong , from the Southern Song Dynasty
Hancheng jiulang miao 韩城 九郎 庙 7-1427 Hancheng (韩 城市) Hancheng Jiulang Temple , dating from the Yuan Dynasty Jiulang Temple in Hancheng 02 2013-09.jpg
Hongmen si ta 鸿 门 寺塔 7-1428 District Hengshan (横山县), greater community Tawan (塔湾镇) Hongmen Pagoda from the Yuan Dynasty
Liangma sijue huang dian 良 马 寺 觉 皇 殿 7-1429 Yang County (洋县), Xiecun Township (谢 村镇), Sihong Village (四 红 村) Liangmasijue Imperial Palace from the Yuan Dynasty 良 马 寺 觉 皇 殿 - 洋县 湑 水镇 .jpg
Qingshan si dafu dian 庆 善 寺 大 佛殿 7-1430 Hancheng (韩 城市), Jincheng (金城 街道) Street District Big Buddha in Qingshan Temple , from the time of the Yuan Dynasty Qingshan Temple 02 2013-09.jpg
Zi yun guan sanqing dian 紫云 观 三清殿 7-1431 Hancheng (韩 城市) Sanqing - Hall for viewing the purple clouds , from the time of the Yuan Dynasty
Zhiguo si 智 果 寺 7-1432 Yang County (洋县), Xiecun Town (谢 村镇), Zhiguo Village (智 果 村) Zhigou Temple from the Yuan , Ming and Qing Dynasties
Heyang wenmiao 合 阳 文庙 7-1433 Circle Heyang (合阳县) Heyang Temple from the Ming Dynasty
Huizhao si ta 慧 照 寺塔 7-1434 Weinan (渭南 市), Linwei Ward (临渭区), Xiagui Township (下 邽 镇) Pagoda of Huizhao temple dating back to the Ming Dynasty
Qixing miao 七星 庙 7-1435 Fugu district (府谷 县) Qixing Temple from the Ming Dynasty
Wugong chenghuang miao 武功 城隍庙 7-1436 District Wugong (武功县) Wugong Chenghuang Temple from the Ming Dynasty
Beidu tieta 北 杜 铁塔 7-1437 Xianyang (咸阳 市), Beidu Township (北 杜 镇) Northern iron pagoda from the time of the Ming dynasty
Daxue xixiang qingzhensi 大 学习 巷 清真寺 7-1438 Xi'an (西安市) Daxue Xixiang Mosque from the Ming and Qing Dynasties Daxuexixiang Mosque.JPG
Jintai guan 金 台 观 7-1439 Baoji (宝鸡 市), Jintai District (金 台 区), Zhongshandonglu Street (中山 东路 街道) Jintai Temple from the Ming and Qing Dynasties 宝鸡 金 台 观 .JPG
Mianxian wu hou ci 勉县 武侯祠 7-1440 Mian district (勉县) Temple of Marquis Wu in Mian County , from the Ming Dynasty to the Republic
Luobanghui guan 骡 帮 会馆 7-1441 District Shanyang (山阳县), greater community Manchuanguan (漫川关镇) Luobanghui Hall , from the Qing Dynasty
Qiao shang qiao 桥上 桥 7-1442 Hua County (华县), Chishui Township (赤水 镇) Qiaoshangqiao bridges from the Qing Dynasty
Wafangdian huiguan qun 瓦房店 会馆 群 7-1443 Ziyang County (紫阳县) Wafangdian Hall Group from the Qing Dynasty
Yuxiu qiao 毓秀 桥 7-1444 Hancheng (韩 城市) Yuxiu Bridge from the Qing Dynasty
Suide dangshi zhuangyuan 绥德 党 氏 庄园 7-1445 Suide County (绥德 县) Baijiajian Township (白 家 碱 乡) Dangshi House in Suide from the Ming Dynasty to the Republic
Yijun shiku qun 宜君 石窟 群 7-1598 Yijun County (宜君 县) Cave temples in the Yijun Caves , from the time of the Southern and Northern Dynasties to the Tang Dynasty
Qingliangshan wanfudongshiku ji liulita 清凉山 万佛 洞 石窟 及 琉璃 塔 7-1599 Yan'an (延安 市), Baota District (宝塔区) Ten Thousand Buddha Cave and Tiled Pagoda of Qingliangshan from the Song , Yuan , Ming Dynasty
Qingmuchuan lao jie jianzhuqun 青木 川 老街 建筑 群 7-1914 Circle Ningqiang (宁强县), greater community Qingmuchuan (青木川镇) Old Qingmuchan building complex from the Qing Dynasty
Qingmuchuan wei shi zhuangyuan 青木 川魏 氏 庄园 7-1915 Circle Ningqiang (宁强县), greater community Qingmuchuan (青木川镇) Qingmuchuan Wei Manor , 1927–1934
Shanganbian zhaojin geming genjudi jiuzhi 陕甘 边 照 金 革命 根据地 旧址 7-1916 Tongchuan (铜川 市), Yaozhou Township (耀 州 区), Zhaojin Town (照 金 镇) Former revolutionary headquarters on the Shaanxi-Gansu border in Zhaojin from 1932
Yang hucheng jiuju 杨虎城 旧居 7-1917 Circle Pucheng (蒲城县) Yang Hucheng's old house from 1934
An wubao zhan shi qingnian xunlian ban geming jiuzhi 安 吴堡 战时 青年 训练班 革命 旧址 7-1918 Circle Jingyang (泾阳县) Former Revolutionary Youth School in Wubu during the war, from 1936 to 1940
Hongdao shuyuan 宏道 书院 7-1919 Sanyuan County (三原 县) Hongdao Academy , dating from 1938

See also

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Commons : Major National Historical and Cultural Sites in Shaanxi  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files