Gypsy Quadrille

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The Gypsy Quadrille is a quadrille by Johann Strauss Sohn (op. 24). It was first performed on August 2, 1846 in Dommayers Casino in Vienna.


This quadrille was composed based on motifs from the opera Die Zigeunerin by Michael William Balfe . The Irish opera composer had already provided the motifs for another Strauss quadrille with his (unsuccessful) opera Der Liebesbrunnen . (See op. 10 ). The Quadrille Quadrille followed later, based on motifs from the opera “The Siege of Rochelle” (op. 31). In the case of the Gypsy Quadrille, there is also the competition between Johann Strauss (son) and his father . He, too, had composed a quadrille of the same name (op. 191) based on the same opera and premiered on August 7, 1846 in the Volksgarten . According to the reports of contemporary witnesses, the younger Strauss received more approval for his work than his father. For the junior it was an important step to step out of the then overpowering shadow of his father. In the years that followed, both Balfe's opera and the Strauss family's quadrilles were more or less forgotten.

The playing time on the CD listed under itemization is 4 minutes and 59 seconds. This time can vary somewhat depending on the conductor's musical conception.

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  1. Source: English version of the booklet (page 48) in the 52 CD complete edition of the orchestral works by Johann Strauss (son), published by Naxos (label) . The work can be heard as the third track on the 16th CD.