Cinnamon Breast Bearded Bird

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Cinnamon Breast Bearded Bird
Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Woodpecker birds (Piciformes)
Family : American bearded birds (Capitonidae)
Genre : Bearded beards ( capito )
Type : Cinnamon Breast Bearded Bird
Scientific name
Capito brunneipectus
Chapman , 1921

The cinnamon breast bearded bird ( Capito brunneipectus ) is a species of bird in the American bearded family. The species occurs in a small area in northern South America. No subspecies are distinguished. The IUCN classifies the cinnamon breast bearded bird as not endangered ( least concern ).


Cinnamon breast bearded birds have a wing length of 8.0 to 8.2 centimeters, the tail length averages 5.0 centimeters, the beak reaches a length of 2.1 to 2.3 centimeters. They weigh around 60 grams. The sexual dimorphism is not very pronounced.

The forehead and skull are dull orange-yellow. A black band runs from the base of the beak over the eyes to the nape of the neck. The top of the body is mostly dark with some orange-yellow markings. Particularly noticeable is a V-shaped, yellow mark on the upper back. The control springs are olive-brown with darker shafts on the upper side, and on the underside the control springs are gray-brown with a yellowish tinge. The chin and throat are pale yellow to cinnamon in color. A reddish cinnamon-colored band runs across the chest, the lower chest and belly are olive and yellow. The strong beak is short and tapering to a point. At the base of the beak there are fine black feathers that are hair-like and stick out. Their length corresponds to about half the beak length. The eyes are brown, the legs and feet are blue-gray. In females, the throat is a little stronger cinnamon-colored than in males, they also have fine small spots here.

The distribution area of ​​the cinnamon-breasted bearded bird borders on the distribution areas of the throat-banded bearded bird and polka-dot beard bird , but probably does not overlap with them. These two species differ from the cinnamon-breasted bearded bird in that their heads are red or bright orange. Apart from the white-coat bearded bird , which is only found in northern Colombia, no other American bearded bird has a cinnamon-brown chest band.

Distribution area, habitat and way of life

The cinnamon breast bearded bird is only found in a small region of the Amazon basin . The distribution area extends here from the lower course of the Rio Tapajós to the lower course of the Rio Madeira . The habitat requirements of this species have not yet been investigated. However, it occurs predominantly in the treetops of the tropical rainforest and is often observed in swarms made up of individuals from different bird species. Presumably their food spectrum consists of fruits and insects. The breeding season is unknown.

supporting documents


  • Lester L. Short, Jennifer FM Horne: Toucans, Barbets and Honeyguides - Ramphastidae, Capitonidae and Indicatoridae. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2001, ISBN 0-19-854666-1 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Short, Horne: Toucans, Barbets and Honeyguides. 2001, p. 298.
  2. Short, Horne: Toucans, Barbets and Honey guides. 2001, p. 297.
  3. Short, Horne: Toucans, Barbets and Honey guides. 2001, p. 299.

Web links