Zionites (Norway)

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The zionites (Norwegian / Danish: Zioniter or Zionitter ) were a radical pietistic religious group in the 18th century by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Norway secreted.

In Norway, which at that time was still part of the Danish-Norwegian state , under the influence of the Danish theologian Søren Jensen Bølle, a radical-pietist religious community called the Zionites established itself in the 18th century. Bølle came into contact with the Anabaptist-Pietist dunkers in Krefeld in 1737 . In Drammen , Norway , he turned to the Moravians there. In the 1740s he finally broke completely with the Evangelical Lutheran Church. The aim of the new radical pietist faith group was to establish a kingdom for the king of Zion, to establish a “general kingdom of Christ”. They rejected infant baptism and instead practiced Christian baptism exclusively with members of their community. The sacrament was not kept. Men usually wore long beards and leather belts around their bodies or white bandages around their arms on which the word "Zion" and a "mysterious number" were sewn. The group's prophet was named Jürgen Kleinow, and their apostle was Søren Bølle. They sometimes held their meetings on a hill and their prayers daily "with a great shouting" outdoors.

1743 Community from Norway was expelled, but received by King Christian IV. Permission in the Danish state belonging Altona settle. Due to their rejection of all legal order, they were ordered by the government to leave the state as a whole as early as 1744. Some emigrated and sought a union with the Mennonites , but they were rejected by them. Others submitted to the state law after having discarded the outward signs of the sect. In 1747 there was still the Foreign Society in Altona , in which the Zionites practiced quietly, but the sect soon lost its importance and dissolved.

Individual evidence

  1. Jiffynotes.com: Brethren
  2. Zionites  1). In: Heinrich August Pierer , Julius Löbe (Hrsg.): Universal Lexicon of the Present and the Past . 4th edition. tape 19 . Altenburg 1865, p. 652 ( zeno.org ).
  3. ^ Johann Georg Krünitz: Zionites . In: Economic Encyclopedia or general system of the state, city, house and agriculture .