Ziyarat al-Nabi Shuʿaib

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Druze scouts during the ziyāra.

Ziyarat al-Nabi Shuaib ( Arabic زیارة النبي شعيب Ziyārat an-Nabī Shuʿaib , Hebrew חג נבי שועייב) is a Druze festival ( Ziyāra ,زيارة'Pilgrimage') in honor of Nabi Shuʿaib , which is celebrated between April 25th and 28th and is recognized as a holiday in Israel .


The Druze generally only celebrate one feast day: Eid al-Adha . However, the Druze community in Israel under the leadership of Sheikh Amin Tarif introduced this festival week and honored the festival with a special status, which is evident from the fact that Ziyara has been made a public holiday. Workers are allowed to take time off that day. Druze schools are closed at this time and Druze soldiers in the Israeli armed forces are given time off. In Israel, the entire Druze community celebrates Ziyara.


The festivities begin on April 25th and end on April 28th. Religious leaders of all religions in Israel , as well as political leaders, are invited to the festivities on Maqam al-Nabi Shu'aib . Religious leaders and sheikhs from the Carmel region, Galilee and the Golan Heights use the gathering to discuss religious matters.

Druze from the Golan Heights has been allowed to visit the shrine since 1968. They take part in the celebrations, while Druze from other parts of Syria and Lebanon only take part sporadically (1982, during the Israeli occupation of the Syrian south at the invitation of Amin Tarif). Since the Israeli-Jordanian peace treaty in 1994, Druze from Jordan have also been allowed to visit the shrine.

In 2016, President Reuven Rivlin took part in the celebrations.

Coordinates: 32 ° 48 ′ 27.7 "  N , 35 ° 27 ′ 18.3"  E

Individual evidence

  1. a b Druze Revered Sites in Palestine: Jethro's Tomb ( Memento from January 2, 2013 in the web archive archive.today ) (English)
  2. a b Kais M. Firro: The Druzes in the Jewish State: A Brief History. Brill 1999, ISBN 90-04-11251-0 , p. 95.
  3. President Rivlin attends Druze festival of Ziyarat al-Nabi Shu'ayb. Report dated April 25, 2016 on the Israeli President's website, accessed October 18, 2018