Two-point owl moth

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Two-point owl moth
Ochropacha duplaris1.jpg

Two-point owl moth ( Ochropacha duplaris )

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Owl Moth and Sicklewing (Drepanidae)
Subfamily : Owl Spinner (Thyatirinae)
Genre : Ochropacha
Type : Two-point owl moth
Scientific name
Ochropacha duplaris
( Linnaeus , 1761)
Caterpillar of the two-point owl moth

The two-point owl moth ( Ochropacha duplaris ) is a butterfly from the family of the owl moth and sickle-winged moth (Drepanidae).


The wings are gray and have a black eponymous colon on the fore wing. Otherwise the butterfly looks very similar to the birch owl moth ( Tetheella fluctuosa ) except for its small size . The wavy cross bars on the forewings are very faded and difficult to see.

Similar species

  • Birch Owl Moth ( Tetheella fluctuosa )


The animals can be found in Central and Northern Europe and Asia, east to Japan. In addition to moist heathland areas , alluvial forests and field trees, they also prefer forest landscapes with high humidity and the banks of flowing waters.

Way of life

Flight and caterpillar times

The moths fly in two generations from mid-May to mid-July and from late July to mid-September. The second generation is incomplete or absent in some areas. The caterpillars from the eggs of the first generation are found from August to October, those of the second from June to July of the following year.

Food of the caterpillars

The caterpillars feed on birches ( Betula ), alders ( Alnus ) and poplars ( Populus ).


The caterpillars live between leaves that are spun together. They overwinter as a doll .


Individual evidence

  1. Manfred Koch : We identify butterflies. Volume 2: Bears, Spinners, Swarmers and Drills in Germany. 2nd, expanded edition. Neumann, Radebeul / Berlin 1964, DNB 452481929 , p. 122f.


  • Hans-Josef Weidemann, Jochen Köhler: Moths. Weirdos and hawkers. Naturbuch-Verlag, Augsburg 1996, ISBN 3-89440-128-1 .

Web links

Commons : Two-point owl moth ( Ochropacha duplaris )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files