Second female declension in Slovenian

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In the Slovenian language decline regularly feminine words on consonants as follows, using the example of miš ( mouse ):

singular  Two number  Plural 
Nominative miš _ miš i miš i
Genitive miš i miš i miš i
dative miš i miš ima miš im
accusative miš _ miš i miš i
locative miš i miš ih miš ih
Instrumental  miš jo  miš ima  miš mi

Words of this group, which are stressed on the suffix , decline as follows, using the example of stran (the page):

singular  Two number  Plural 
Nominative stran _ stran i stran i
Genitive stran i stran i stran i
dative stran i stran ema stran em
accusative stran _ stran i stran i
locative stran i stran eh stran eh
Instrumental  stran ijo  stran ema  stran emi

The only way to distinguish these groups is by memorization.

See also