First female declension in Slovenian

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The first female declension of Slovene has similarities with the Latin A-declension and can probably be traced back to the same Urindo-European declension.

For a basic understanding of declensions, see: Case .

Basic form

The shapes are regularly formed as follows, using the example of hiša (The House):

singular  Two number  Plural 
Nominative hiš a hiš i hiš e
Genitive hiš e hiš _ hiš _
dative hiš i hiš ama hiš am
accusative hiš o hiš i hiš e
locative hiš i hiš ah hiš ah
Instrumental  hiš o hiš ama hiš ami

The _ sign means that this form has no ending.

The Lady

A case for itself is gospa (the lady):

singular  Two number  Plural 
Nominative gosp a gosp i gosp e
Genitive gosp e gosp a gosp a
dative gosp e gosp ema gosp em
accusative gosp o gosp i gosp e
locative gosp e gosp eh gosp eh
Instrumental  gosp o gosp ema gosp emi

The form gosp ej is also used for the dative singular .

Words ending in -ev

Female nouns ending in -ev are a variant of this declension .


cerkev ( Church )
molitev ( Prayer )
breskev ( Peach )

Declination table

singular  Two number  Plural 
Nominative cerk ev cerk vi cerk ve
Genitive cerk ve cerk ev cerk ev
dative cerk vi cerk vama cerk vam
accusative cerk ev cerk vi cerk ve
locative cerk vi cerk veh cerk veh
Instrumental  cerk vijo cerk vama cerk vami

mother and daughter

The words mati (mother) and hči (daughter) are declined as follows:

singular  Two number  Plural 
Nominative mat _ i mat he i mat he e
Genitive mat he e mat he _ mat he _
dative mat he i mat he ima mat it in
accusative mat he _ mat he i mat he e
locative mat he i mat he ih mat he ih
Instrumental  mat he jo mat he ima mat he imi


Adjectives decline as follows, using len (lazy) as an example:

singular  Two number  Plural 
Nominative len a len i len e
Genitive len e len ih len ih
dative len i len ima len im
accusative len o len i len e
locative len i len ih len ih
Instrumental  len o len ima len imi

See also