/ dev / full

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/dev/fullis a virtual device file on many Unix operating systems that can be used to simulate a full hard disk drive . This can be useful for both manual and automatic software testing.


/dev/fullcan be used during write accesses to simulate a full hard disk. For read accesses by processes , an infinite 0-byte stream (similar to / dev / zero ) is provided. With write access there is a "write error: No space left on device".

$ echo "Hello world" > /dev/full
bash: echo: write error: No space left on device


Support for the always-full device in Linux was already documented in 2007. Native support was added to FreeBSD version 11.0 in 2016.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Man Page for full (Linux section 4)
  2. FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE Release Notes