Àngel Codinach i Campllonc

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Àngel Codinach i Campllonc , often called Àngel Codinach for short (* 1922 in Olot ; † 1995 ibid) was a Catalan painter who followed the tradition of the Olot School .

Codinach belongs to the generation of artists who, like the Olotens painters Josep Pujol , Pere Plana i Puig or Joan Clapera i Mayà, have brought about an artistic renewal of Olot's landscape painting in a highly creative and innovative manner compared to their predecessors who were committed to classical landscape painting after the Spanish Civil War . Especially in the post-war 1950s and 1960s, Codinach, like many of his painter colleagues, found that there was almost no longer any interest in art. In this environment only those artists “survived” who lived their vocation with great devotion - similar to medieval craftsmen and artists. With highly developed skills and a fully developed aesthetic sense, Codinach's colorful and luminous, meditative landscapes of the Garrotxa were created , which often have the effect of poetry.


  • Alexandre Cuèllar i Bassols: Angel Codinach . Illustrated book with a foreword by Alexandre Cuéllar i Bassols. Sol Art Edicions Catalanes, 1994, OCLC 434434438 .
  • M. Assumpcio Arnau i Prades, Joan Sala i Plana: L'art olotí en el XIX i XX . Series: Quaderns de la Revista de Girona , Girona 2013, ISBN 978-84-15808-03-9 , page 78 f., Chapter 32: Una Renovació Artística , there also a short review by Àngel Codinach i Campllonc.
  • Domenec Moli: Angel Codinach . In: Viçens Coromina (ed.): Olot Art, Doscents Anys de Pintura . Olot 1979, OCLC 803497564 , pp. 87-95 (Catalan).
  • Josep Maria Canals: Diccionari Biogràfic d'Olot . Ed .: Ajuntament d'Olot. 1st edition. Olot 2015, OCLC 943687866 , p. 229 (Catalan, article “Codinach i Campllonc, Àngel”; there also a bibliography of other works by and about Àngel Codinach).

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