Ethiopian hare

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Ethiopian hare
Subclass : Higher mammals (Eutheria)
Superordinate : Euarchontoglires
Order : Hare-like (Lagomorpha)
Family : Hares (Leporidae)
Genre : Real rabbits ( Lepus )
Type : Ethiopian hare
Scientific name
Lepus fagani
Thomas , 1903
Distribution map of the Ethiopian Hare

The Ethiopian hare ( Lepus fagani ) is a species of mammal from the rabbit family (Leporidae). The species status of the Ethiopian hare is discussed, possibly it is also a subspecies of the savanna hare ( Lepus microtis ) or the bush hare ( Lepus saxatilis ). The animals reach total lengths of 45 to 54 cm.

distribution and habitat

The species is endemic to the western Ethiopian highlands . The species lives there at altitudes between 500 and 2500 m. Reliable information on the habitat is not yet available; it is believed that the animals inhabit steppes , grasslands, and grassy areas in wooded areas.

Way of life

Nothing is known about the way of life of the species.

Existence and endangerment

Nothing is known about the size of the population or about population trends, so the IUCN lists the Ethiopian Hare under "data deficient".


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