Édith Auffray

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Édith Auffray (born January 8, 1901 in Le Raincy near Paris , † after 1955 ) was a French painter and journalist.

She studied at the Académie Julian and at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière in the Montparnasse district of Paris before joining the group of artists Les peintres de la réalité (The painters of reality) founded in 1955 by the painter Henri Cadiou (1906–1989) , to which Martin Battersby, Pietro Annigoni , Gregorio Sciltian, Jacques Abeille and Claude Yvel belonged.


  • Jean Giono: Peintres de la Réalité du XXe siecle , Paris, Hadès 1958

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  1. Dominique Chateau, Herman Parret, Père Salabert: Esthétiques de la nature. Publications de la Sorbonne, Paris, ISBN 978-2-85944-581-2 , p. 11 ( PDF )