Edouard Bourciez

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Édouard Bourciez (born January 29, 1854 in Niort , † October 6, 1946 in Bordeaux ) was a French Romance scholar and gas cognist .

life and work

Bourciez entered the École normal supérieure (ENS) in Paris in 1873 and made the Agrégation in 1876 . He was then a high school teacher in Bar-le-Duc , Orléans , Nice and Nancy . He completed his habilitation in 1885 with the two theses Les Mœurs polies et la littérature de cour sous Henri II (Paris 1886, Geneva / Paris 1967) and De Praepositione "ad" casuali in latinitate aevi merovingici (Paris 1886). From 1883 he was Maître de conférences for French language and literature at the University of Bordeaux , from 1893 to 1925 there held the chair for gas-cognitive language and literature created for him by the city of Bordeaux . The Enquête sur les parlers gascons , which he carried out with elementary school teachers from 1894–1895, was only available in manuscript form during his lifetime and was only made available in a microfilm edition in 1987 udT Recueil des idiomes de la région gasconne .

Bourciez was elected a corresponding member of the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres in 1923 .

Other works

  • Les poésies patoises d'Arnaud Daubasse, Paris 1888 (Annales de l'Université de Bordeaux)
  • Précis de phonétique française ou Exposé des lois qui régissent la transformation des mots latins en français, Paris 1889, later udT Précis historique de phonétique française, 8th edition 1937, 9th edition ed. by Jean Bourciez, Paris 1958
  • La langue gasconne à Bordeaux. Notice historique, Bordeaux 1892, Pau 2004
  • Éléments de linguistique romane, Paris 1910, 4th edition 1946, 5th edition 1967
  • (with Jean Bourciez) Phonétique française. Etude historique, Paris 1967, most recently in 2008
  • La langue gasconne, ed. by Jean Lafitte, Pau 2000 (text from 1922)


  • Gaston Guillaumie in: Bulletin Hispanique 49, 1947, pp. 110-111

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