Eduard Vaucher

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Édouard Vaucher (born July 17, 1847 , † August 14, 1920 ) was a French Lutheran theologian .


Vaucher studied Protestant theology in Strasbourg , Leipzig and Paris . In 1870 he joined the Argentina Strasbourg student union in the Wingolfsbund , and in 1872 the Leipzig Wingolf . In 1878 he finished his thesis in Paris with a thesis on the methodology of historical sciences. When the theological faculty in Paris was expanded in 1879, he was commissioned to hold a supplementary course in practical theology and then became adjunct professor. From 1908 to 1920 he was dean of the faculty.

Soon he began to deal with practical theology. He completed his doctoral thesis in 1893 with the title: "De la théologie practique." In his opening lecture in 1845 he raised the question: "La constitution de l'egis-est-elle de droit divin?" (Is the constitution of the Church by divine law?) In 1894 he published his study "Le babteme." (Baptism )

His last and most important work appeared after his death: "Introduktion psychologique et expérimentale à la dogmatique luthérienne" (1921) (Psychological and experimental introduction to Lutheran dogmatics)

Individual evidence

  1. Festschrift of Argentina Strasbourg, Strasbourg 1907, 206
  2. Complete directory of Wingolf, Lichtenberg 1991
  3. ^ Marc Lods in Jean-Marie Mayeur, Yves-Marie Hilaire (Ed.): Dictionaire Du Monde Religieux dans la France Contemploraine . Vol. 5,484