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Coordinates: 5 ° 8 ′  N , 74 ° 9 ′  W
Map: Colombia
Pacho on the map of Colombia
Colombia - Cundinamarca - Pacho.svg
Location of the municipality of Pacho on the map of Cundinamarca
Basic data
Country Colombia
Department Cundinamarca
City foundation 1624
Residents 27,977  (2019)
City insignia
Flag of Pacho (Cundinamarca) .svg
Escudo de Pacho.svg
Detailed data
surface 403 km 2
Population density 69 people / km 2
height 1905  m
Waters Río San Antonio, Río Batan, Río Patasia
Time zone UTC -5
City Presidency Ronald David Rangel Bermúdez (2016-2019)
View of Pacho
View of Pacho
Parish Church of Pacho
Parish Church of Pacho
Pacho Town Hall
Pacho Town Hall

Pacho is a municipality ( municipio ) in the department of Cundinamarca in Colombia .


Pacho is located in the northwest of Cundinamarca and is the capital of the province of Rionegro . Pacho is located in the Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes . The municipality is bordered by San Cayetano , Villagómez and Topaipí in the north, Zipaquirá , Cogua and Tausa in the east, Supatá and Subachoque in the south and El Peñón and Vergara in the west .


The municipality of Pacho has 27,977 inhabitants, of which 16,154 live in the urban part (cabecera municipal) of the municipality (as of 2019).


In the area of today Pacho lived at the Spanish arrived indigenous people of the Chibcha . The founding of Pacho is attributed to the indigenous leader Diego Pacho in 1624. The community is considered to be the cradle of the steel industry in Latin America. Steel production began in Pacho in 1814. The Ferrería de Pacho ironworks was declared a national monument.


The main economic sectors of Pacho today are agriculture (especially oranges , but also other types of fruit and vegetables as well as coffee ), animal husbandry , mining ( coal ) and industry .


Web links

Commons : Pacho  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Nuestro municipio. Alcaldía de Pacho - Cundinamarca, accessed February 13, 2019 (Spanish, information on the municipality).
  2. ESTIMACIONES DE POBLACIÓN 1985 - 2005 Y PROYECCIONES DE POBLACIÓN 2005 - 2020 TOTAL DEPARTAMENTAL POR ÁREA. (Excel; 1.72 MB) DANE, May 11, 2011, accessed on February 13, 2019 (Spanish, extrapolation of the population of Colombia).