Ég he comes home

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Ég er kominn heim (German: I have arrived home or I have come home ) is an Icelandic song based on a text by Jón Sigurðsson ( is ) (1925–1992). The melody of this song is a poignant interpretation of the Hungarian composer Emmerich Kálmán in 1930 in Tango - rhythm composed Arie Today 'night have I dreamed of you from the operetta The Violet of Montmartre .

When he came home , arranged by Jón Sigurðsson, sung on Icelandic Radio in 1960 by the then popular Icelandic pop singer Óðinn Valdimarsson and immediately recorded for a record . The KK Sextettinn and the Söngkvartett participated in the recording . Background singers were Elly Vilhjálms, Jón Páll Bjarnason , Jón Sigurðsson and Þórarinn Ólafsson. Guitar played Jón Páll Bjarnason, the bass played Jón Sigurðsson, Þórarinn Ólafsson piano and Guðmundur Steingrímsson drums . NextÉg er kominn heim as B-side, the record on the A-side contained the song 14 Ára with a text also by Jón Sigurðsson and a melody based on the song Ring-A-Ling-A-Lario by Jimmie Rodgers ; this record was recorded mono as a single with 45 revolutions.

Outside Iceland, the song became known when it was sung by Icelandic fans before the Icelandic national soccer team's games during the 2016 European Soccer Championship in France .

The song is a popular oldie in Iceland and has been covered many times, for example by Bubbi Morthens and Björn Jörundur, Valur Heiðar and Lísa Einars, Helgi Björnsson and Sverrir Bergmann.

The lyrics

While the original text of the operetta celebrates the longing love for a woman, Sigurðsson's text speaks to many strong feelings: the joy of waking up in the warming sun and nature after winter, homesickness and longing for the beloved, the happiness of being home. Coming, the love for the country and for country life and the happiness for two with a loved one.

Web links


First version

Some current cover versions

European Championship 2016:

Operetta version

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.bubbi.is/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=699
  2. Óðinn Valdimarsson - Óðinn. In: www.discogs.com. Retrieved July 4, 2018 .
  3. See for example Tagesspiegel : http://www.tagesspiegel.de/sport/island-bei-der-em-in-frankreich-die-em-ist-wichtiger-als-praesident-zu-haben/13821642.html
  4. See Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung of June 13, 2016: http://www.derwesten.de/panorama/hu-hu-hu-so-koennen-sie-die-islaender-bei-der-em-anfeuern-id11969221.html
  5. See Badische Zeitung http://www.badische-zeitung.de/f-em/island-schracht-gegen-plan-und-einfallslose-englaender-ein-fussballmaerchen--123638982.html
  6. See Augsburger Allgemeine http://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/sport/em/Mehr-Plaetze-mehr-Trainer-mehr-Erfalt-Islands-Masterplan-id38313367.html
  7. https://www.tonlist.is/#album/6533 accessed on July 3, 2016
  8. The song in the version by Valur Heiðar and Lísa Einars on Youtube; Retrieved July 3, 2016
  9. The song in the version by Helgi Björnsson on Youtube; Retrieved July 3, 2016
  10. The song in the version by Sverrir Bergmann on Youtube; Retrieved July 3, 2016