Émile Thomas

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Émile Thomas (born March 19, 1843 in Neufchâteau , † February 3, 1923 in Douai ) was a French classical philologist . He taught at various high schools and taught Latin literature from 1881 to 1913 at the University of Douai and Lille .


Émile Thomas, the son of a tanner, acquired the baccalaureate (Baccalauréat ès sciences) and taught as an assistant teacher at the Lyceum Louis-le-Grand. From 1865 to 1868 he studied classical philology at the École normal supérieure in Paris , where he was particularly influenced by Eugène Benoist . From April 1868 he taught rhetoric at the Lyceum in Le Puy-en-Velay and was appointed professor there in 1873. In 1874 he moved to Chaumont in the same position, to Amiens in 1877 and to Troyes in July 1879 . In the same year he also began lecturing at the University of Douai . who appointed him adjunct professor in 1881. In 1887 he was appointed professor of Latin literature at this university and left school. He worked at the university, which moved to Lille in 1896 , until he retired in August 1913. Thomas was a corresponding member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres .

Thomas dealt with a wide range of Latin literature. In his dissertation (1879) he dealt with the handwritten transmission of Servius' Vergil commentary. He then published annotated editions of Cicero's speeches Pro Archia poeta (1883) and In Verrem (1886). This was followed by an annotated translation of Catullus poems (1890), a monograph on Petron , selected editions of Cicero's philosophical, rhetorical and moral writings (1896, 1897, 1901), a study of Roman history in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. (1897) and a study on the textual criticism of Tacitus (1903).

Fonts (selection)

  • Scoliastes de Virgile Essai sur Servius et son commentaire sur Virgile, d'après les manuscrits de Paris et les publications les plus récentes. Avec la liste et la description des manuscrits de Paris, l'indication des principaux manuscrits étrangers; la liste et l'appréciation des principales éditions; et un tableau general des scolies sur Virgile . Paris 1879 (dissertation)
  • Discours de Cicéron pour le poète Archias . Paris 1883
  • Cicéron. Discours contre verres . Paris 1886
  • Catulle. Les Poésies . Paris 1890
  • Petrone. L'envers de la société romaine . Paris 1892
  • Cicéron. Morceaux choisis tirés des Traités philosophiques . Paris 1896
  • Cicéron. Morceaux choisis tirés des Traités de rétorique . Paris 1897
  • Rome et l'Empire aux deux premiers siècles . Paris 1897
  • Cicéron. Extraits from the œuvres morales . Paris 1901
  • La critique de Tacite . Paris 1903


  • Pubblicazioni del Prof. Emile Thomas . In: Athenaeum . Volume 11 (1923), pp. 226f.
  • Théophile Homolle : Éloge funèbre de M. Émile Thomas . In: Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 1923, pp. 59-61

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