Austrian integration award

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The Austrian Integration Prize is a prize that was distributed for the first time in 2010 for initiatives that made a special contribution to the integration of immigrants in Austria. The award is jointly donated by ORF and the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and coordinated by the Business for Integration Association . The winners of the prizes can be private initiatives as well as companies or state institutions from all over Austria.


The prizes will be awarded for four categories. The four categories are:

  • tackle & take the initiative
  • educate & empower
  • promote & support
  • company & work

Jury members

The members of the independent jury are:

Award winner 2010

The prizes were presented in the House of Industry in Vienna.

  • Category I: Youth and cultural association "Culture Factor Y" from Vorarlberg
  • Category II: Cooperative Middle School Vienna 18
  • Category III: MA17 City of Vienna
  • Category IV: Spar Academy Vienna

A total of 362 projects were submitted.

Award winner 2011

The award ceremony took place in the Vienna City Hall.

  • Category I: Roma youth of the Lions Club Murau
  • Category II: HIPPY home visit program by
  • Category III: KunstSozial Raum Brunnengasse of Caritas Vienna
  • Category IV: lived diversity of living partners in Viennese municipal housing

An honorary award was given to the Viennese entrepreneur Hans Staud .

Web links