Local help

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About Local aid , also overland aid is a technical term from the field rescue organizations , which indicates that the help of not in area of the damage event lying adjacent areas as part of the alarm and response regulations is required.

This occurs in particular in the case of major incidents, for example when a large number of orders binds the emergency services on site, but then an additional medical or fire emergency occurs. It can also be used if a major fire cannot be dealt with by the emergency services on site alone, but other emergency services from the foreign area are called in. This is permissible as a kind of administrative assistance in the course of a supra-local emergency . Then the crew and vehicle from the neighboring district take over the incident, but are bound by the instructions of the on-site operations management .


In the first half of the 19th century, before the emergence of voluntary fire brigades, many municipalities in Germany formed a fire fighting district within which supra-local aid was practiced. When a fire broke out, certain residents with harnessed horses had to fetch the fire engine stationed in their own town or in one of the neighboring towns . But this was also requested by neighboring fire fighting districts for reinforcement.

Individual evidence

  1. Baden-Württemberg Fire Brigade Act, Section 26 , Baden-Württemberg, version of March 2, 2010
  2. Announcement of the new version of the Hessian Fire and Disaster Protection Act of January 14, 2014 (GVBl. P. 26). Hessian Ministry of the Interior and for Sport, accessed on July 12, 2016 .
  3. ^ Franz-Josef Sehr : The fire extinguishing system in Obertiefenbach from earlier times . In: Yearbook for the Limburg-Weilburg district 1994 . The district committee of the Limburg-Weilburg district, Limburg-Weilburg 1993, p. 151-153 .