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Ławka was a Polish measure of length and also the name for a field and area measure as well as the name for the space measure with the corresponding prefixes. The dimensions with these values ​​were valid from 1816.


  • 1 Ławka = 43.2 millimeters; from this follows 1 meter = 23.148 Ławka

The dimensional chain for the length measure was


  • 1 square Ławka = 0.001866 square meters ; this means 1 square meter = 535.829 square Ławka


  • 1 cubic Ławka = 0.00806215 cubic meters ; this means 1 cubic meter = 124.069 cubic Ławka



  • Felix von Blocken: The new dimensions and weights in tables and illustrations with all legal provisions for Bavaria. R. Forchthammer, Regensburg 1871, p. 393.
  • Johann Christian Nelkenbrecher, Johann H. Bock, Heinrich Christian Kandelhardt: Pocket book of coin, measure and weight for merchants. Sandersche Buchhandlung, Berlin 1832, p. 484.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Friedrich Krüger : Complete manual of the coins, measures and weights of all countries in the world. Verlag Gottfried Basse, Quedlinburg / Leipzig 1830, p. 152