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ZW is an abbreviation for:

  • Air Wisconsin , US airline under the IATA code
  • Zimbabwe , country code according to ISO 3166 and license plate
  • Counting word , an obligatory addition to numbers in some languages, which is used in the formation of quantities as a counting unit, and also in general to form the plural
  • "Room apartment" in classified ads (for example "Search 2-ZW" for "Search an apartment with two rooms")
  • Customs sergeant, see official names of the German customs administration
  • "Two-way", vehicles, etc. Machines that z. B. can be moved both on roads and on the track

ZW as a distinguishing mark on license plates:

ŻW is an abbreviation for:

  • Żandarmeria Wojskowa (Polish), Polish Military Police , the Military Police of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland formed in 1990

.zw is an abbreviation for:

  • .zw , country-specific top-level domain for Zimbabwe

zw. stands for:

  • Abbreviation for "between"