.300 Winchester Magnum

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.300 Winchester Magnum
.300 Winchester Magnum
general information
caliber .300 Winchester Magnum
7.62 × 67 mm
Sleeve shape Rimless with pull-out groove with belt
Floor ⌀ 7.85 mm
Sleeve length 66.55 mm
Cartridge length 84.84 mm
Bullet weight 9.72-14.26 g
(150-220 grain )
Technical specifications
Speed ​​v 0 approx. 910 m / s
Max. Gas pressure 4300 bar
Bullet energy E 0 approx. 5000 y
Lists on the subject

The .300 Winchester Magnum , and 7.62 × 67 mm, the latest in a series of rifle - cartridges with belt sleeves , which the company Winchester Repeating Arms Company in quick succession from 1956 in his series Magnum brought out. It is a version of the .375 H&H that has been retracted to the .300 caliber (7.62 mm) and shortened to 66.5 mm in length.


Introduced in 1963, it quickly surpassed sales of the .264 Winchester Magnum , .338 Winchester Magnum, and .458 Winchester Magnum . Apart from the old .300 H&H Magnum, two other cartridges in the .30 Magnum segment were successful on the market: the .300 Weatherby Magnum and the .308 Norma Magnum . But even these fell behind in terms of sales figures in a short time. The .300 Winchester Magnum is somewhere between the two in terms of performance. All three cartridges are similar in appearance and performance, with the difference that the Winchester and the Norma can be used in normal-length bolt action systems.

The Winchester designers gave the new cartridge the largest possible powder space and accepted a shorter case neck for the bullet, so that longer bullets had to be inserted very deep into the cartridge case because of the overall length to be observed . The case is based on the .375 H&H Magnum belt case .

The bullet diameter is 7.85 mm. The total length of the cartridge depends on the type of bullet and varies between 82 mm and 85 mm. The barrels used for this ammunition usually correspond to the following data: Field dimension : 7.62 mm , draw dimension : 7.82 mm, twist length (depending on weapon): 254 mm (1 in 10 "), number of trains (depending on weapon): 6.



The .300 Winchester Magnum can be used for European large game and is also used for large small game in German-speaking countries. The use on predatory game and predatory gear is not common in hunting.


In the military sector, this cartridge is used, among other things, in the G22 sniper rifle of the German Armed Forces , with full-jacket soft-core or full-jacket hard-core bullets ( AP, Armor Piercing ). These are developed and manufactured by MEN - Metallwerk Elisenhütte GmbH.

See also

Web links

Commons : .300 Winchester Magnum  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. CIP 300 Win. Mag. (PDF 35.8 kB) ( Memento from June 16, 2017 in the Internet Archive )
  2. a b Reloading: Preparation and Practice . 5th edition. DEVA, 2005, ISBN 978-3-00-016629-7 , pp.  326 .
  3. Detail Specification Cartridge, .300 Winchester Magnum Match, Revision A, March 17, 2009, US Naval. Retrieved on October 12, 2009 (PDF, English) ( Memento from July 22, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  4. Dimension table for handgun barrels caliber 4 mm to 25 mm. ( Memento from November 26, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) In: lothar-walther.de. Barrel manufacturer Lothar Walther, accessed on January 18, 2017 (PDF; 34 kB).
  5. Cartridge .300 Winchester Magnum at whq-forum.de