3 Below - revenge from the depths

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German title 3 Below - revenge from the depths
Original title 3 Below
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2005
length 87 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Bobb Hopkins
script Bobb Hopkins
production Bobb Hopkins
music Blair Aaronson
Gordy Haab
camera René Jung
cut Joseph Plonsky

3 Below is a 2005 American thriller directed by Bobb Hopkins .


An old man has a visit from a priest and is watching a report on television about the disappearance of three important personalities in his town. Ten years ago, the place Spruce Lake was partially flooded for the construction of a dam. A farmer refused to give up his farm and, according to reports, drowned in the reservoir with his two children. To date, however, only his body has been discovered.

The story of yesterday is now shown. Candidate Senator Wells and his intern Lucky are driving through the site to attend the dam's 10th anniversary celebration. When their car breaks down in the middle of the snowy road, they have to make do with a bed and breakfast hotel nearby. The same goes for the banker Jerry Gold and the planner Janet Sands, both also responsible for the construction of the dam. In the evening, the strange local siblings Junior and Carol join us, who have just come back from the hunt. The two spread an eerie mood and accuse the three personalities of murdering the farmer family.

When everyone decides to visit the nearby pub, there is a fight between Junior and another hunter, whereupon Carol kills him. Senator Wells doesn't want to cover up the police and everything because he's worried about his image. The banker Gold is against it, but still agrees. They hide the corpse in the hotel, where now policeman Freddy arrives, who had a game accident.

One after the other, Jerry Gold, Janet Sands and Senator Wells are killed by an unknown person. Lucky, who is spared, is driven to the train station by the hotel owner.

The final shot shows the present again. The old man confesses to the priest that at some point three people will be found deep in the reservoir, but they are not the dead from ten years ago. Then Junior and Carol enter the house and announce that the family peace has been restored. The old man is her grandfather and the two are the dead farmer's children.

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