9/11 Mysteries - The Destruction of the World Trade Center

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German title 9/11 Mysteries - The Destruction of the World Trade Center
Original title 911 Mysteries Part 1: Demolitions
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2006
length 91 minutes
Director Sofia Shafquat

9/11 Mysteries - The Destruction of the World Trade Center (Original title: 911 Mysteries Part 1: Demolitions ) is a 2006 documentary by the author Sofia Shafquat ( pseudonym : Sophia Smallstorm ) about the destruction of several buildings in the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001 . Originally published on the Internet, initially on the video portal Google Videos , it was accessed around 2.7 million times by mid-2007.


The film is a conspiracy theory based on the events of September 11, 2001 , according to which the towers were essentially brought down by explosives inside.

Shafquat is investigating whether the impacts of the two aircraft on the buildings WTC1 and WTC2 (“Twin Towers”) and the subsequent fires could actually have been responsible for the destruction. On the basis of various video recordings of the collapse of WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7, recordings of radio messages from the emergency services during the evacuation measures and interviews with, among others, eyewitnesses, several aspects of the official statements are questioned.

At the beginning, the focus is on the collapse of the two main buildings of the WTC complex, the “Twin Towers”. According to the official account presented in the investigation report of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the impacts and the subsequent kerosene fires of the two Boeing 767 wide-body aircraft that crashed into the building weakened the steel girders and ultimately caused the two high-rise buildings to collapse. Contrary to this, it is argued in the film that the majority of the kerosene was already burned in the explosions immediately after the impacts and that the smoke development visible on film recordings of the catastrophe indicates that the fires in the buildings only formed a smoldering fire due to a lack of oxygen. Accordingly, the heat development would not have been sufficient to weaken the supporting steel structures of the building so that they failed.

Comparisons with film recordings of buildings that were deliberately blown up and discussions with experts for such explosions as well as detailed recordings of the collapse of the WTC buildings - both the “Twin Towers” ​​and WTC7 - indicated that the three structures were blown up. In preparation for these explosions before September 11, 2001, according to eyewitnesses, construction workers had uncontrolled access to parts of the later destroyed towers and placed explosive charges on several floors. Furthermore, offices were often dusty at this time when employees came to work in the morning, which indicates previous work in the towers. The film underpins this representation by a number of eyewitnesses who reported explosions in the lower, below street level floors of WTC1 and WTC2 even before the aircraft impacted. The high speed of the collapse is also being investigated, which was higher than a free fall , while it would have been expected that the collapse would be slowed down by the floors below.

Finally, the collapse of an outbuilding, the office and administration building WTC7, which would otherwise rarely be mentioned in media coverage, takes up a lot of space in the documentation. At the time of its collapse, it had been evacuated, although apparently far less damaged than buildings closer to the two high-rise buildings. When it collapsed, the SEC's investigation files into the Enron scandals involving a $ 70 billion fraud and California Electricity were destroyed. The processing of the events by Shafquat suggests that this building and these files were an essential or the actual target of the demolitions outlined above.


The US film critic Christopher Null noted in view of the DVD release in 2007 that although the film contained some interesting thoughts, for example about WTC7, he was ultimately too caught up in his own conspiracy theory to adequately pursue these thoughts. He speaks of fundamental logical errors in the film's argumentation, which are largely refuted by “common sense”.

German-language first broadcast

The film was broadcast for the first time on September 6, 2007 by Austrian Broadcasting in the Thursday night program on ORF 1 . The first German broadcaster to show it was on September 8, 2007, the private broadcaster DMAX , further broadcasts followed on VOX .

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