Nadim Makdisi

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Nadim Makdisi (* 1921 in New York City ; † September 1, 2007 there ) was an American-Lebanese journalist and editor.

He was the son of Anis Makdisi , AUB professor, and Selma Khoury. He studied at the American University of Beirut (AUB), Columbia University and American University , where he obtained a doctorate in mass communication. He worked for the Christian Science Monitor , BBC , TeleLiban in Lebanon. He created a new magazine Alam Attijara , one of the first business magazines in the Arab world. Together with his brother Samir Makdisi , a former minister in Lebanon, he was the founder of the Anis Makdisi program, which was set up in honor of his father at the AUB. He was buried in Saint Alban Church in Washington on September 8th.

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