Ašská vrchovina

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Ašská vrchovina
Subunit Ašská vrchovina (marked in red)

Subunit Ašská vrchovina (marked in red)

Highest peak Háj u Aše ( 758  m nm )
location Czech Republic
part of Smrčiny
Classification according to Geomorphological classification of the Czech Republic
Coordinates 50 ° 14 '  N , 12 ° 12'  E Coordinates: 50 ° 14 '  N , 12 ° 12'  E
surface ~ 95 km²

Ašská vrchovina (German: Ascher Bergland ) is a sub-unit of the geomorphological main unit Smrčiny (Fichtelgebirge) according to the Czech system, which extends somewhat beyond the area commonly known as the Fichtelgebirge .

Fichtel Mountains (Smrčiny)

Geomorphological division of the Czech Republic with the main unit Smrčiny (marked in red)

Position and extent

Ašská vrchovina is located north of Cheb on the Czech-German border and includes the area around . It roughly corresponds to the Czech part of the Elster Mountains . The highest point is the Háj u Aše with 758 m. n. m on the western roof of the Elster Mountains.

Towards the south, the Hazlovská pahorkatina (Haslauer Hügelland) near Cheb , which takes up roughly the Czech part of the Selb-Wunsiedler plateau , is another sub-unit of the Fichtelgebirge. The Chebská pánev (Eger Basin) follows to the southeast .

Districts of the Ašská vrchovina are Hájská vrchovina (Hainberger highlands), Lubská vrchovina (Schönbacher highlands), Studánecká vrchovina (Thonbrunner highlands) and Hranická pahorkatina (Roßbacher highlands).

Geomorphological classification

Individual evidence

  1. DEMEK J. a kol .: Zeměpisný lexikon ČSR - Hory a nížiny, Academia, Praha 1987 s. 222