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ANSI ASC X12 stands for A merican N ational S tandards I nstitute A ccredited S tandards C ommittee X12 and is a data transmission standard in the field of electronic data interchange (EDI) that is mainly used in the USA . The group was founded in 1979 and first adopted the ANSI ASC X12 standard in 1982. In addition to the standard format GTDI (Guidelines for Trade Data Interchange) developed by UN / ECE , it was the basis for UN / EDIFACT .

This standard describes data structures as they are used for transmission between individual computer systems.

The main difference to EDIFACT , which is mainly used in Europe , is the different structure of the message. With both EDIFACT and X12 it is possible to check the recipient's message using a converter (EDI) and to send back a response file as a response. There it is noted how many segments and elements are correct and how many are incorrect. In practice, this check is often omitted and an automatic response with zero errors is generated and sent back. Any errors are then clarified directly between the partners.

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