Aage Storm Borchgrevink

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Aage Storm Borchgrevink (born October 20, 1969 in Oslo ) is a Norwegian writer and literary critic.

Borchgrevink graduated from Oslo University with a degree in literature . Since 1993 he has been working for the Norwegian Section of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights , the main aim of which is to monitor compliance with the Helsinki Final Act and its follow-up agreements in Europe, North America and Central Asia. With his commitment to freedom of expression in Eastern Europe, especially in Chechnya , Aage Storm Borchgrevink has made a name for himself in his home country. In 2004 he was awarded the Ossietzky Prize from the Norwegian PEN Center .

Borchgrevink made his debut as an author in 2000 with the novel Arkivene (The Archives), which describes the difficult democratic process in post-communist Albania from the perspective of three fictional people . For this book he was nominated for the audience award of the NRK radio program P2 . In 2004 he published Folkevandringer (Migration of Nations ), a volume with stories from Chechnya, Albania, Kosovo , Greece and Long Island . In addition, he published several documentary books, including on trips to Eastern Europe ( Belarus , Macedonia , Chechnya) and the civil war in the Caucasus .

His book En norsk tragedie (A Norwegian Tragedy), which deals with the 2011 attacks in Norway, attracted a lot of attention in 2012 . In it, Borchgrevink not only illuminates the childhood and adolescence of the assassin Anders Behring Breivik , but also describes the milieu of violent youth clans in Oslo in the 1990s, the social structures in the affluent west of Oslo, where Breivik grew up, the backgrounds of individual victims and in detail his mass murder on the island of Utøya . The book was awarded the Critics' Prize.

Borchgrevink's critical works appear in the magazine Vinduet published by Gyldendal Norsk Forlag .


  • Arkivene , 2000 (novel)
  • Eurostories. Reiser i Øst-Europa , 2003 (travel book)
  • Folkevandringer , 2004 ( short stories)
  • Krigen the usynlige. Reiser i Tsjetsjenia, Ingusjetia og Dagestan , 2007 (travel book)
  • En norsk tragedie. Anders Behring Breivik og veiene til Utøya , 2012 (non-fiction book)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ytringsfrihetens man NRK 15 November 2004 at
  2. NRK: Tidligere vinnere and nominated til P2 awards. October 30, 2001, accessed on September 19, 2019 (Norwegian Bokmål).
  3. Best sakprosabok for voksne Kritikerlaget (accessed October 14, 2013)