Aaron Lebedeff

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Aaron Lebedeff in The Yidisher Yankee
The Yiddish operetta Di rumenishe khasene (The Romanian Wedding) with Charles Nathanson, Solomon Greenberg, Zina Goldstein, Aaron Lebedeff, Bessie Weissman, Samuel Rosenstein, Abe Sincoff, Saltche Shor, Herman Seratzky, Emanual Teplitzky, music: Peretz Sandler, play by Moyshe Shorr

Aaron Lebedeff ( 1875 in Homel , Belarus - November 8, 1960 in New York City , New York ) was a Jewish stage actor and singer .

Life and acting career

At a young age he moved around with various traveling theaters all over Russia and Poland, initially as a laborer ( pekl-treger ), later as the character actor he was to remain. He spent the First World War , forced into the Russian army , in Harbin , Manchuria , where he gave concerts for officers. He married Vera Lubov, with whom he later presented "International Concerts" in Japan and the Republic of China . In 1920 both traveled to the USA, where they received an engagement for Boris Thomashevsky's performance of Wolf Shumsky's Lyavke Molodyetz . Lebedeff was so enthusiastic that he became the star of Yiddish theater in the USA overnight.

Aaron Lebedeff died on November 8, 1960 and was buried in Mount Hebron Cemetery in Queens, New York.

Lebedeff's musicals

A list of most of the pieces he appeared in during the 1920s:

  • Khatskele kol boynik (Yehude Boymvol)
  • Di sheyne Berta ( Julius Adler )
  • Shloymke ​​oyf Brodvey and Yoshke Khvat (Yitskhok Lesh) (Music Herman Wohl )
  • Lebedik un Freylekh (Alive and happy) (Music Herman Wohl)
  • Arontshik un Solomontshik (Harry Kalmanovitsh, music by Herman Wohl)
  • Toyznt un eyn nakht (1001 Nights) ( Boris Thomashevsky , music by Herman Wohl)
  • Tanz, gezang un veyn (music by Joseph Chernyavsky)
  • Yankele Litvak ( Israel Rosenberg , L. and S. Rozenstein)
  • Di Rumenishe Khasene (The Romanian Marriage) , (Moyse Shor, music Perez Sandler)
  • Dem tatn's zindele (The father's little son) (Kalmanovitsh, music by Perets Sandler)
  • Mendl in Japan (Rakov, Music Peretz Sandler)
  • Kavkazer libe (Israel Rosenberg, music Peretz Sandler)
  • A khasene in Palestine (Rosenberg - Sandler)
  • Modeling fun libe (L. Freeman - Sandler)
  • Volodke in Odessa (Lesh - Sandler)
  • Syomke vert a khosn (Freyman - Sandler)
  • The kleyner milioner (Aaron Nager - Sholom Secunda )
  • A nakht in Kalifornia (William Siegel - Music Alexander Olshanetsky )
  • A gan-eydn far tsvey (Paradise for Two) (William Siegel - Olshanetsky)
  • Itzikl Sholtik (Isidore Lesh, Olshanetsky)
  • Golden teg (Seal - Olshanetsky)
  • The litvisher yankee (Yitskhok Lesh - Olshanetsky)
  • Hulye Kabtsn (Israel Rosenberg - Olshanetsky)
  • Motke fun Slobodke (Kalmanovitsh)

In the 1930s:

  • A Khasene in shtetl (William Siegel, music Herman Wohl)
  • Rusishe Libe (Yitskhok Lesh - Wohl)
  • A nakht in vald (seal - well)
  • Di gliklekhe nakht (seal - well)
  • The groyser nes (Avrom Blum - Wohl)
  • Raykhe kabtsonim (rich poor) (seal - well)
  • The groyser suprayz (Blum - Wohl)

On his tours he also presented:

Lebedeff also composed dozens of couplets for the Broadway Record Company ; he recorded numerous records, including Vot ken yu makh, s'iz amerike! and the well-known Rumania, Rumania , which has been interpreted by numerous artists, such as B. by the Barry Sisters , Yaffa Yarkoni and Eartha Kitt .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://aaronlebedeff.free.fr/anglais/codage/biographie.htm Aaron Lebedeff biography
  2. a b Zalmen Zylbercweig, Leksikon fun Yidishn teater , book two, 1133–1135
  3. Aaron Lebedeff in the Find a Grave database . Retrieved January 8, 2015.
  4. http://www.discogs.com/Barry-Sisters-The-Barry-Sisters-Sing/master/629659
  5. http://www.discogs.com/Eartha-Kitt-In-Person-At-The-Plaza/master/502869