Abele from and to Lilienberg

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Abele von und zu Lilienberg is the name of a family of Austrian officials.


The Abele von und zu Lilienberg family probably came from Breisgau , where a Peter Aubelen can be proven in 1495 . She then probably moved to Tyrol. There is evidence that family members then worked in the mining industry in Schwaz and Kitzbühel for around 150 years . As persecuted Protestants, they had to emigrate to Ulm and Upper Austria at the beginning of the 17th century . Christoph Abel (1592–1648) switched to the Catholic faith before 1625 in order not to have to emigrate again. He worked as the council and tax council of Steyr and married Barbara Kirchmayer, whose father was a citizen of the city. The couple had sons Christoph Ignaz Abele and Matthias Abele von und zu Lilienberg .

Well-known namesake
