Abram Sevastyanovich Christmas tree

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Abram Sevastyanovich Christmas tree

Abram Sevastjanowitsch Tannenbaum ( Russian Абрам Севастьянович Таненбаум ; * 1858 in Białystok , † 1922 in Moscow ) was a Russian traffic engineer , author and editor .


Tannenbaum graduated from the Institute for Transport Engineers in St. Petersburg in 1884 and then studied at the St. Petersburg Archaeological Institute. From 1896 to 1903 he headed the technical department of the administration of the St. Petersburg traffic district. In 1903 he became an engineer for technical work at the Engineering Council of the Ministry of Transport. He published a number of technical articles in the Ministry of Transport Journal mainly on issues of hydraulic engineering and the history of engineering . For Brockhaus-Efron he wrote many articles about the diverse aspects of construction and the people who work there.

In 1896 Tannenbaum became editor of the journal of the Ministry of Transport. In 1904 he was also the editor of the weekly Verkehrsbote . Tannenbaum published the first six anthologies of the St. Petersburg traffic district with materials on the land and waterways of the St. Petersburg traffic district. Tannenbaum also published in Jewish magazines.

Individual evidence

  1. Russkaja Evreiskaja Enziklopedija: ТАНЕНБАУМ Абрам Севастьянович (accessed on July 17, 2018).
  2. a b Таненбаум (Абрам Севастьянович) . In: Brockhaus-Efron . IIa, 1907, p. 749 ( wikisource.org [accessed July 17, 2018]).