Aces up

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Aces up , rare German as high aces called, is a simple solitaire , with a French Rummy is played -Blatt of 52 cards.

Style of play

Starting display for aces up
Playing card heart 10.svg
Playing card spade 3.svg A. Playing card heart 5.svg
Playing card club Q.svg

Like most solitaire games, Aces Up is a card game for one person. The playing cards, a simple rummy sheet of 52 cards, are shuffled and placed face down as a stack ( talon ) in front of the player. The card values correspond to the number of pips in the number playing cards, above are the picture values Jack , Queen and King and the Ace represents the highest value. The aim of the game is to put all cards with the exception of the four aces on the discard pile and the player wins if, after playing through the talon, only these are left face up in the display.

The top four cards are picked up and laid out openly as a diamond with a free area in the center for the discard pile or next to each other. In the course of the game, four more cards are placed on top of the four face-up cards and whenever there are several cards of one color , the lowest one is placed face down in the pile. If the last card is removed from a pile and a space becomes free, the top card from any other pile is laid out there. Since the aces are the highest cards, they always stay where they are when they are played. When no more card suits appear twice, the next four cards are laid out.


Aces hoch is part of some solitaire collections for the computer, such as the KPatience of the Linux community KDE .


  • Aces up . In: Scott McNeely: Ultimate Book of Card Games. Chronicle Books, San Francisco 2009, ISBN 978-0-8118-6642-2 , pp. 25-26.
  • Aces high . In: Brenda Ralph Lewis: Card games for one person. Edition XXL, Fränkisch-Grumbach 2011, ISBN 978-3-89736-889-7 , p. 30 (Licensed edition by Card Games for One . Amber Books, 2007).

Web links

Wikibooks: Aces Up  - learning and teaching materials (English)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Aces up . In: Scott McNeely: Ultimate Book of Card Games. Chronicle Books, San Francisco 2009, ISBN 978-0-8118-6642-2 , pp. 25-26.
  2. a b aces high . In: Brenda Ralph Lewis: Card games for one person. Edition XXL, Fränkisch-Grumbach 2011, ISBN 978-3-89736-889-7 , p. 30 (Licensed edition by Card Games for One . Amber Books, 2007).
  3. Aces high . In: Paul Olav Tvete, Maren Pakura, Stephan Kulow: The manual for KPatience. Manual and rules of the game for KPatience in version 3.6, 2007; Pp. 25-26. ISBN 978-0-8118-6642-2 .