Achille Abbati

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Achille Abbati (born September 28, 1857 , † January 11, 1914 in Rimini ) was an Italian conductor , composer and music teacher.


Achille Abbati was from 1873 to 1876 in the violin and viola class of Carlo Verardi at the Liceo comunitativo da musica in Bologna. Here he studied composition with Teodulo Mabellini (1817–1897). His opera Celeste was premiered in Rimini on February 28, 1878 . From 1879 to 1893 he directed the Capella musicale di San Biagio in Cento . Here he proved to be a capable choirmaster, but was fired in 1891 due to the poor budget situation for financial reasons. Then he was director of the Istituto Musicale in Adria . It was here that in 1893 he brought the town band back to life and, in March 1894, promoted the establishment of the Societa corale , which is still active today and which he led as conductor. In 1895 the Abbati choir won first prize at the Ferrara National Choir Competition . On September 5, 1903, Achille Abbati conducted a performance of Tosca by Giacomo Puccini at the Teatro communale in Cesena . He was the director of the municipal music school in Rimini and also directed the band there.


  • Celeste , opera, Idillio amoroso [idyll of love] in two parts , first performance February 28, 1878 in Rimini; published in Rimini by Tipografia Albertini e comp., 1878.
  • Complimenti! [Compliments, congratulations]; Mazurka; published in Storielle carnevalesche [Carnival stories ]; Album di danze [dance album]; a collection of dances by various composers; published in Milan by Domenico Vismara

The archives of the Cattedrale di Adria contain the following church music works:

  • Credo a tre voci e istanbuli [Credo for three voices and instruments]
  • Gloria a tre voci e istanbuli [Gloria for three voices and instruments]
  • Graduale di S. Pietro per baritono e strumenti [Graduale to St. Peter for baritone and instruments]
  • Gratias e Domine Deus per coro e strumenti [Gratias and Domine Deus for choir and instruments]
  • Kyrie a quattro voci e strumenti [Kyrie for four voices and instruments]
  • Inno del BV del rosario Te gentientem gaudiis in II vesperis per due tenore e basso [Hymn to the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary] [for the second Vespers] [for two tenors and bass]
  • Inno di S. Pietro Decora lux a tre voci e strumenti
  • Qui tollis per baritono a piena orchestra

Web links

Digital copies

  1. ^ Celeste as a digital copy at the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica - Liceo musicale. Retrieved May 22, 2017 .
  2. Gazzetta musicale di Milano XXXIV, no. 39, (28 Settembre 1879): 339-40: Corrispondenze - Teatro di Cento Celeste opera in due atti del maestro Achille Abbati . In: Gazzetta musicale di Milano . tape 34 , no. 39 . Milan September 28, 1879, p. 339 f . (Italian).
  3. Adriano Orlandini: La Capellea musicale di San Biaggio . In: Catalogo della mostra documentaria sulla Capella musicale di S. Biagio di Cento nel IV centenario della sua fondazione . Tipografia FD, Bologna 1989, p. 15, 55 (Italian, [PDF]).
  4. ^ Aldo Rondina: Adria. La Città, le sue vie, la sua storia . Apogeo Editore, 2014, ISBN 978-88-88786-75-9 ( [accessed on May 22, 2017]).
  5. Super User: La “Società Corale Adriese” compie 120 anni . ( [accessed May 22, 2017]).
  6. Società corale Adriese - Festival Corale Internazionale Euganeo. Retrieved October 10, 2017 (it-IT).
  7. Società corale Adriese - Festival Corale Internazionale Euganeo. Retrieved May 24, 2017 (it-IT).
  8. Aa.Vv: Riccardo e Luigi Stracciari: Percorsi d'arte nel melodramma del primo Novecento . Gangemi Editore spa, 2015, ISBN 978-88-492-9673-0 ( [accessed on May 22, 2017]).
  9. Le Ménestrel. Retrieved May 22, 2017 .
  10. ^ Austrian National Library: ÖNB-ANNO - Signals for the musical world. Retrieved May 22, 2017 .
  11. Achille Abbati: Compplimenti. In: Internetculturale. Retrieved May 22, 2017 (Italian).
  12. ^ Ivano Cavallini: Il Fondo musicale dell'Archivio della Chiesa Cattedrale di Adria: Elenco . In: Fontes Artis Musicae . tape 27 , no. 2 , 1980, p. 84-92 , JSTOR : 23505583 .
  13. Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense - Milan - Italy: Ufficio Ricerca Fondi Musicali - Home Page. Retrieved May 22, 2017 (Italian).