Adelmann of Liege

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Adelmann von Lüttich († around 1061 in Brescia ), was Bishop of Brescia.


He studied the artes liberales with Fulbert von Chartres (approx. 960-1028), was a teacher in the "mathematical sciences" ( Quadrivium ) and since 1031 head of the Liège cathedral school , where he met Wazo , the later Liège bishop (1041-1048) followed. Adelmann himself became Bishop of Brescia in 1057 , where he died and was buried about four years later.

One of his students in Liège was the famous mathematician Franco von Liège (* 1015/20 - † approx. 1083).

In 1049 he turned against the symbolist conception of the Eucharist of his former classmate Berengar von Tours .

He left a rhythm alphabeticus on his teacher Fulbert .


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predecessor Office successor
Olderico I of Brescia Bishop of Brescia
Olderico II of Brescia