Adnan Tanrıverdi

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Adnan Tanrıverdi (born November 8, 1944 in Akşehir ) is a former Turkish brigadier general , entrepreneur and advisor to Prime Minister Erdoğan .


In 1963 and 1964 Tanrıverdi studied zoology at the University of Istanbul , switched to the Army Academy in 1964, graduated from the Military Academy as an artillery officer in 1966 and served in the Turkish armed forces from 1966 . In 1967 he married. In 1980 he became a general staff officer . Tanrıverdi served a. a. in the Department of Special Warfare and in the Department of Civil Defense of the Republic of Northern Cyprus .

In 1992 he was appointed brigadier general. Tanrıverdi was the commander of the 2nd tank brigade in Istanbul and headed the army's health department . In 1996 he was retired due to a lack of posts.

After retiring, Tanrıverdi worked in a leading position for the local radio station Üsküdar FM Radyosu and for a mosque construction association . He was chairman of an association of dismissed army officers called ASDER ("Adaleti Savunanlar Derneği", in German "Association of those who defend justice"). This association criticized the restructuring of the Turkish armed forces by the Center for Strategic Studies ASSAM. Tanrıverdi founded the military company Sadat A.Ş. on February 28, 2012.

Sadat A.Ş.

Sadat A.Ş. is a Turkish private security and military company . According to its own account, the aim of the company is "to support the Islamic world in taking the place it deserves among the superpowers".


According to press research, trainings for ambushes, raids, road blockades, destruction, rescue and kidnapping operations and for defending against such situations are offered in the company's own presentation. Furthermore, one can organize operations of unconventional warfare in these countries.

History and activities

According to the Turkish Commercial Register, the company had a declared capital of 880,000 Turkish Lira in July 2016.

Adnan Tanrıverdi was appointed to the advisory staff of President Erdoğan in the course of the coup attempt in Turkey .

public perception

Former head of the military intelligence department, Lieutenant General İsmail Hakkı Pekin, said Tanrıverdi had abused religion and was an enemy of Ataturk. This also led to his retirement.

Individual evidence

  1. a b "Erdoğan'a Başdanışman atanan Adnan Tanrıverdi kimdir, Sadat nedir?" CNN Turk on August 17, 2016
  2. Sadat AS website , as of August 16, 2016
  3. a b c d Michael Knapp: Erdogan brings "secret army" boss to the Telepolis advisory staff on August 18, 2016
  4. Aydınlık daily newspaper from August 16, 2016