Adolf Werthner

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Adolf Werthner (* July 18, 1828 in Breslau ; † January 26, 1906 in Vienna ) was a co-founder and from 1870 to 1896 publisher of the Neue Freie Presse and president of the "Oesterreichische Journal-Aktien-Gesellschaft".

In 1851, Werthner took over the management of the press , which was founded in the revolutionary year of 1848 by the entrepreneur August Zang . After a falling out with Zang, practically the entire editorial team left the paper in 1864. As a result, Adolf Werthner founded the Neue Freie Presse on September 1, 1864, together with the journalists Max Friedländer and Michael Etienne , of which he was the administrative director and later publisher.

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