Monkey fat

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When monkey fat jokingly inferior are fats dubious origin referred. The term is rarely used today.

Monkey fat in the kitchen

In seafaring it was used to describe fat that was produced when meat was thrown out in the galley and left out in a pan. After the Second World War it was, for example, for cold through the meat grinder rotated fat ( subcutaneous fat ) or margarine used.

A spread that was reminiscent of Griebenschmalz that was widespread in the GDR was also called this. It is made from boiled bacon mixed with onions, eggs , milk and flour and seasoned with salt and marjoram . The mixture is thickened over a moderate heat so that it can still be spread and consumed warm.

Technical fat

The grease that is used as a lubricant in thread cutting is also known colloquially as monkey grease .

supporting documents

  1. ^ "Affenfett" In: Barbara Otzen, Hans Otzen: GDR kitchen. Komet Verlag, Cologne undated, p. 73, ISBN 3-89836-350-3 .
