Rhodopygia cardinalis

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Rhodopygia cardinalis
Cardinal Redskimmer (Rhodopygia cardinalis) female (40727940362) .jpg

Rhodopygia cardinalis

Subordination : Dragonflies (Anisoptera)
Superfamily : Libelluloidea
Family : Libellulidae (Libellulidae)
Subfamily : Sympetrinae
Genre : Rhodopygia
Type : Rhodopygia cardinalis
Scientific name
Rhodopygia cardinalis
( Erichson , 1848)

The Rhodopygia cardinalis is one of the five dragonfly species of the genus Rhodopygia from the subfamily Sympetrinae . It occurs in the tropical parts of South America . The species was first described as Libellula cardinalis in 1848 by Erichson using an animal from Guiana . As early as 1889 , WF Kirby established the genus Rhodopygia as a generotype with the species called Rhodopygia cardinalis from that point on .

Construction of the Imago

Rhodopygia cardinalis has a reddish-brown body that becomes yellowish towards the bottom in the males. The mouth and the back of the eyes are yellow. The length of the abdomen ( abdomen ) varies between 30 and 35 millimeters in males. The females are slightly smaller and reach 29 to 31 millimeters. The front rails are brownish. The wings are transparent. The hind wings are about the same length in both sexes and reach 37 to 41 millimeters. At their widest point they measure 12 millimeters in the males. They are yellowish at the base and the veins are brownish. The wing tips are also brownish. The reddish brown pterostigma is 3.4 to 3.7 millimeters shorter in males than in females, where it measures 3.6 to 4.0 millimeters.


  1. ^ Henrik Steinmann - World Catalog of Odonata (Volume II Anisoptera) [p. 465], de Gruyter, 1997, ISBN 3-110-14934-6
  2. ^ Wilhelm Ferdinand Erichson - Insects. In: R. Schomburgk, Travels in British Guiana in the years 1840-1844. Third part. Attempt at a fauna and flora of British Guiana. [S. 583], JJ Weber, Leipzig, 1848, [1]
  3. ^ J. Belle - Synopsis of the Neotropical genus Rhodopygia Kirby, 1889 (Odonata: Libellulidae), Zool. Med. Leiden 72 (1), (1998) 1-13, ISSN  0024-0672 .

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