Aftonbladet TV 7

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Infobox radio tower icon
TV station ( private law )
reception Antenna ( DVB-T ), cable (analog, DVB-C ), satellite (analog, DVB-S )
Image resolution ( Entry missing )
Start of transmission October 9, 2006
owner Aftonbladet
executive Director Helena Westin
List of TV channels

Aftonbladet TV 7 is an advertising-financed private television broadcaster in Sweden , which belongs to the daily newspaper Aftonbladet of the Norwegian media group Schibsted .

In spring 2005, Aftonbladet announced that it had applied for a license for an unencrypted digital terrestrial television station under the working title "Storstads-tv" ("Großstadt-TV") . While the license application was being examined, Storstads-tv entered into a partnership with Axess TV from the Ax: son Johnsson Foundation . In February 2006, Aftonbladet was licensed to broadcast during the week and Axess TV at the weekend. The first attempts at broadcasting began on May 29, 2006, and regular broadcasting began on October 9, 2006.

The station is based on the webcast launched a few years earlier on . In August 2007 it was announced that Schibsted intended to sell the station.

Web links