Agal share

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Classification according to ICD-10
O92.3 Agal share
Primary agal share
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

Agalactia ( Greek gala γαλα, milk ') describes a lack of milk secretion during the breastfeeding period .

The reason for the lack of milk secretion can either be caused by a prolactin deficiency due to a disorder in the hypothalamus - pituitary system (e.g. pituitary insufficiency ) or in the mammary gland (e.g. lack of system, developmental disorder , inflammation ).

In humans

Postnatal agalactia usually occurs in connection with Sheehan syndrome , and severe pregnancy or birth complications ( e.g. eclampsia or bleeding in excess of one liter) trigger hemorrhagic or ischemic infarcts , which destroy the cells that are responsible for milk production produce the necessary hormone prolactin in the pituitary gland . The frequency of this syndrome has decreased significantly since it was first described in 1938 and, thanks to the significantly improved options for intensive medical care (especially transfusions ), only occurs in about 0.5% of all births.

An isolated prolactin deficiency, which leads to agalactin, occurs extremely rarely. Genetic causes are suspected, treatment options are not known.

Animal diseases


  • Peter Paul Nawroth: Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Springer Verlag, 2001, ISBN 3-540-64765-1 , p. 33.
  • K. Wendt (Hrsg.): Udder and udder diseases . Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena / Stuttgart 1994, ISBN 3-334-60441-1 .

Single receipts

  1. A. Würterle, J. Florian: Obstetric bleeding complications with subsequent partial anterior pituitary insufficiency and later pregnancy. The partial anterior pituitary insufficiency implantation of endocrine glands and their effects in animals and humans. Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg 1957, pp. 104-107.