Agathe Lindner-Welk

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Agathe Lindner-Welk (born April 27, 1892 in Berlin ; † November 8, 1974 in Bad Doberan ) was a German writer.


Agathe Lindner was the first child of the brewery director Otto Lindner (1860–1902). In 1890 he married Clara Castorf, daughter of the chief master in the Berlin carpenter's guild, Friedrich Castorf. Three children were born almost two and a half years apart: Agathe in 1892, Hildegard in 1895 and Paul in 1897. After the death of their father in 1902, the family lived in Berlin in modest circumstances. Agathe Lindner could not study for financial reasons. From October 1907 she attended the commercial school of the merchants in Berlin and from October 1908 worked as a correspondent for Lindström Aktiengesellschaft.

At the beginning of 1922 she married Otto Hofmeister (1879–1922), one of whose best friends Ehm Welk was . After Hofmeister's death in February 1922, a lively, initially friendly correspondence developed between Welk and Lindner. In 1924 Agathe Lindner and Ehm Welk get married. The 42 year marriage can be considered happy. The childless couple had a striking love for animals.

Grave in the Bad Doberan cemetery

Agathe always and unconditionally supported her husband. So she published some poems and travelogues between 1923 and 1928, but soon broke off her own literary career to work as Welks' secretary and "first critic". After Welk's short-term arrest in 1934, she left the threatening capital and moved with him first to Lübbenau / Spreewald , then in 1940 to Neuenkirchen (near Stettin). In 1945 Welk and his wife fled from the Russian army, from 1946 Welk worked as the head of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania adult education center in Schwerin . In 1950 the Welks withdrew to Bad Doberan. Welk worked again as a writer, Agathe continued to support his career. After Welk's death in 1966, she devoted herself to organizing his estate and keeping his books alive. She helped set up the Ehm-Welk-Literaturmuseum Angermünde and looked after the rights to his books. Agathe Lindner-Welk died in 1974, eight years after Ehm Welk.

Works (selection)

  • Madonna on the stairs . Stuttgart 1935
  • The voice somewhere . Berlin 1937
  • Veronika and her son. Graz 1943
  • Juliane Wied (1962)


  • Monika Schürmann: Agathe Lindner-Welk (1892–1974). A biographical sketch . In: Bad Doberaner Jahrbuch. 1999, pp. 47-57

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