Agathe Nalli-Rutenberg

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Agathe Nalli-Rutenberg (born December 10, 1838 in Berlin , † December 14, 1919 in Schöneberg near Berlin) was a German writer.


Her upbringing was directed by her father Adolf Friedrich Rutenberg , publicist (editor-in-chief of the National-Zeitung ) and writer, friend of Karl Marx and Max Stirner . Her poetic talent was shown early on. So when she was barely 15 she wrote the little novella Rosa as her first work . This was followed by a three-volume novel and a volume of short stories. Then there was a creative break because she devoted herself more to her professional activity as a teacher in Schöneberg.

While traveling, she got to know all of Germany, Switzerland , England , France and Italy . She lived mostly in Rome , where she married the Italian bank clerk Fausto Nalli. However, she also visited her home country several times. While her earlier writings mostly consisted of fictitious things, she drew the material from personal experience in her further, quite productive poetic work, which began around 1890.

Agathe Nalli-Rutenberg died in 1919 at the age of 81 in Schöneberg and was buried in her father's grave in the Old St. Matthew Cemetery. In the course of the leveling of the cemetery carried out by the National Socialists in 1938/1939, her remains were reburied in the south-west cemetery in Stahnsdorf near Berlin.


  • Pink . Leipzig 1857.
  • Allan Orville . 3 volumes. Leipzig 1858.
  • Novellas . 2 volumes. Leipzig 1861.
  • A woman's revenge. In Civita Vecchia. Novellas. Berlin 1890.
  • What the waves roar. New fairy tales . Berlin 1896.
  • Princess gold hair. A true story . Berlin 1906.
  • On New Years Eve . Berlin 1906.
  • My dear old Berlin. Memories . Berlin 1907.
  • Ragout Fin. Novellas from the north and south . Berlin 1908.
  • Gemstones from the fairy tale world . 2nd edition, Stuttgart 1909.
  • His dead wife and other short stories . Berlin 1910.
  • From a distant time: youth songs by an old Berliner . Berlin 1912.
  • Old Berlin. Memories . Berlin 1912. (with foreword by Ernst Friedel and appendix to the family chronicle)
  • Look into the country. Novellas . Berlin 1914.
  • From a German heart. War poems . Charlottenburg 1915.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans-Jürgen Mende: Lexicon of Berlin tombs . Haude & Spener, Berlin 2006. pp. 306, 475.