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The descendants of the Phoenician king Agenor are referred to as Agenorides ( ancient Greek Ἀγηνορίδης ) in Greek mythology .

Usually his son Kadmos is referred to as Agenoridos, often also his son Phineus . Occasionally, Perseus Agenorides is also mentioned as the ancestor of Agenor . As subjects of the Cadmos, the inhabitants of Thebes wear the name as a poetic popular designation.



  1. Apollonios of Rhodes 3, 1186.
  2. ^ Ovid Metamorphoses 3, 8.
  3. Nonnos of Panopolis 3, 2.
  4. Apollonios of Rhodes 2, 178.
  5. ^ Gaius Valerius Flaccus 4, 582.
  6. ^ Ovid Metamorphoses 4, 771.
  7. Euripides The Phoenicians 217.